Just another party.

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Before you knew what was actually happening, you realised there was a party going on next door and you weren't invited.

You slowly take off your headphones to hear the loud music shaking your ear drums to an electronic party beat. You get up and slip on your glasses, look out your bedroom window to see a full on rager going on next door at your neighbors house.

Your neighbor is the kind of person who throws wicked parties that you are never invited to, but tonight you had enough.

You got dressed in your best outfit, did your hair and makeup and made your way next door to make a one in a life time appearance.

You get past the front door without question and look around, nothing but party girls making bad decisions and boys taking adventage of those bad decisions.

After about 30 minutes of walking around and drinking some horrible concoction of alcohol some ass hole gave you, you decided to just go outside and get some air. There was no one out there and the only thing you see is a lone swing set.

You had never realised before but the party scene was just never for you. But you being smart and thinking since you never get invited maybe it would be fun? You were wrong...

You were now stuck outside with 5 inch heels and a skin tight dress on, in someone's yard who you don't even like... listening to music that makes you feel like ripping out your ear drums.

You lay your head back and stare at the stars while swinging back and forth and letting your hair fall. You hear someone walk out the door and stand on the porch, silently drinking.

You slowly look up and see a guy with jet black hair and peircing blue eyes. You stop and tilt your head to the side as he walks over and flops down next to you.

"Beautiful night" he said silently and took another drink of his beer while staring at the sky.

"Yeah... beautiful" you replied and stared at the sky aswell.

"Cam" you heard him say
"Huh?" You say and look at him.
"Cam" he said and smiled down at you. You blush and look away
"Y/N" you move the hair behind your ear and stare at your feet.
"Nice to meet you, love" you look away again and you slowly start talking more and more.

Before you know it you have been talking for hours and the party has ended. You look at your watch and sigh.

"I need to get going... it's really late and I have an exam tomorrow afternoon" you get up and grab your bag. He grabs your arm gently.

"Stay with me" he smiles and gets up, getting closer
"But I just live next door"
"Stay with me" he smiled more and leaned closer.
"But.... but"
"Shhhhhhhh" he said and leaned down "just stay with me" he leaned down more and kissed you super softly. Lifting your chin to make it easier.

You melt into his arms and he picks you up, bringing you upstairs.

Needless to say, it was an eventful night.

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