Introduction & Rules

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Hello everyone,
I'll just briefly introduce myself by saying my name is abby(abigail) and i'm the the head of the book club.

This book club is a fun and easy way to get your book to where you want it to be. There are no strings attached. As far as you do your activities everything would be good.

For you to benefit from this wonderful book club you would have to become a member.

Why be a member??
Well when you are a member it means you are officially registered as part of this book club. You would be able to participate in all the activities and i'll put you in groups so that each writer helps one another.

How to become a member
For you to become a member you would have to write a form in the registration chapter(the next chapter). This form should consist of:
1. Your first name only.

2. The books you have written that you want to be featured in the activities(for reads, votes, and comments).

3. The kind of book genres that you read and dont read.

4. Say a little about yourself (like your hobbies. Nothing too much like family history or anything like that).

5. Follow me on wattpad. It'll make things a whole lot easier and don't worry i follow back.

All you have to do is put your form in the comment section, follow me and i'll give you a response saying you've been accepted. It's as easy as pie.

It all goes down to the rules. They are nothing too hard but everyone must follow them if you want to still be part of the book club.

1. You must do the group activities i've placed you in. As someone in your group is helping you, so do you have to help them.

2. After you have been accepted and put in a group you would have to create a reading list called noabby's reading list where you add your fellow group members book. Note: your group changes every week.

3. You have to write two comments on the books in your group. Write your comment like this- #noabby: Your book is great and intetesting. You must put the part #noabby before writing the comment so that i'll know its from you in the book club.

4. For every chapter you read you must vote. There should be atleast two comments in ever two or three chapters.

5. When you have finished an assignment/activity you write done or finished. There would be groups consisting of three or four books. After you are done with each book you comment saying done or finished on the book you have done.

6. No insults, racists or sexists comments in this book club.

7. You can pm me any suggestions or put it in my message box. It's better you don't put it in the comment section.

If there are any more i'll add but this should be all. If you are confused pm me. I'll love to answer any of your questions.

If you don't do your activity i'll notify you before i remove you from the book club.

If you notice someone is not doing their activity and they are in your group you can report thrm to me.

Thanks for reading and you can now move on to the next chapter and write the form and do the follow.

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