Chapter 2

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 Marinette was talking excitedly. "Alya! I did it! I really asked him. And you know what? He said he would! I'll be practicing my lines with Adrien after school!" She started jumping up and down.

"Way to go girl." Alya was proud of her friend. Marinette always becomes a dork in front of Adrien and can usually never get out two words. So she was happy Marinette was able to speak to him.

As Marinette was jumping around Alya saw Adrien walk out the door. "Um Marinette?"


"It's after school right?"


"Then shouldn't you be going to practice your lines with Adrien?"

"Oh you're right. Hey Adrien-" she started to say as she turned around, "Where'd he go?"

"Ah dork he just walked out of the building."

"Oh no! I better catch him!" She ran towards the door as fast as she could. When she got outside she saw Adrien was just getting into his car. "Adrien wait!" Sadly she wasn't fast enough and he was driven away before she could get his attention. Her shoulders drooped and she hung her head. Alya walked out behind her.

"Don't be sad Marinette. You'll get to practice with him tomorrow I'm sure."

"But I wanted to practice with him now."

"Well did you ask him if he could do it today?"

"Um.. no. I kinda forgot that part."

Alya sighed. "I should've known."

"I just got so excited he agreed that I ran over to tell you without asking him when. I'm such an idiot."

"Like I said it'll be fine. Just make sure to ask him tomorrow. And don't worry I'll be there to remind you."

"Thank you Alya," she said with her head still drooped.

"Come on let's go home." Alya started walking with Marinette dragging her feet behind her friend. They walked part of the way together and then went their separate ways.

When Marinette got home she went straight to her room, grabbed the script from her backpack and plopped down on her computer chair. Tikki flew out.

"What's wrong Marinette?"

"I'm a ditz that's what's wrong."

"Oh Marinette. Don't say that. It'll all work out. You'll see." Marinette sighed. "Alya's right. Just be sure to ask him tomorrow. He already accepted to help you." Marinette looked up at Tikki.

"I guess you're right." She picked up and started to look through it.

"That's the spirit Marinette." Marinette began to skim through.

"Yeah I can do this!" Marinette was all pumped up and ready to go. What seemed like seconds later Marinette had a change of heart. "I can't do this!"


"I'm gonna screw it up. I'm never gonna remember all these lines!"

"Just believe in yourself Marinette. I believe you can do it," Tikki patted her head as she said this.

"You really think so?"

"Of course I do." Marinette nodded and went back to looking over the script. She spent all day going over the script eventually falling asleep on her desk.

The next day Marinette was in class. They were discussing stuff about the play. Marinette wasn't paying attention because she was looking over the script. She was determined not to screw anything up. To be the best prince that she could.

After school Marinette followed after Adrien intent on asking him if they could study their lines together today. But when she got close she froze.

"What are you doing? Go ask him," said Alya.

"My feet won't move."

"What do you mean? You already asked him yesterday? Why are you freezing now?"

"Because if he says yes today then we'll be alone. I don't know if I can handle it."

"Yes you can. Come on Mari just go do it." Marinette looked at Alya, gave a quick nod and went over to Adrien.

"H-Hey Adrien."
"Hey Marinette."

"Do you have time to practice today?"


"Really? Awesome!"

"Where should we go?"

"We can go to my house! I have plenty of space."

"Ok. Let's go then."

"Alright!" Marinette had a little jump to her step. She turned towards Alya and gave her a thumbs up. Alya gave one in return.

When they made it to Marinette's house her parents stopped her.

"So this must be that Adrien boy you're always talking about," said her father.

"She doesn't stop talking about you," her mother added.

"Mom! Dad!" Marinette's face grew red from embarrassment. Adrien scratched the back of his head awkwardly. "Come on Adrien." She pushed past her parents and made it to her room.

"Go ahead and sit wherever."

"Thanks." Adrien sat on her computer chair looking around her room. He placed his backpack beside him and grabbed his script.

Marinette grabbed another chair and brought it in front of Adrien's. "So where should we start?"

"Probably at the beginning."

"Ok." Adrien began reading his first line. Marinette watched him admiring his face. She hadn't noticed that Adrien had finished.

"Uh Marinette. It's your turn."

"Oh right." She quickly glanced down and said her line. She secretly glanced at Adrien. He was really here. They were really practicing in her room. Wait... they were alone. In her room! Once she realized that her voice stopped working.

"Are you alright Marinette?" How could she not have noticed. She was alone. In her room. With Adrien!  

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