17 - God save the Queen

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Spotted: Harper, looking like she's seen a ghost. The ghost of parties past. Nothing says January like a brand new Cold War.


"I don't think I've ever looked forward to a New Year more in my life," I laugh, wrapping a section of Becca's hair around a curling wand. "Graduation in June, Yale in the fall," I sigh, smiling.

"I love New Years Eve parties," Becca says as I curl the last section of her hair. "And Jake throws the best ones, every year since Freshman year. His parents always go out, so he has the house to himself."

"Maybe I'll kiss him at midnight since him and Lydia are done," Alejandra winks with a smirk and I laugh as I set the curling wand down and turn it off.

Becca jumps up, brown curls bouncing as she goes to slip her dress on.

"Maybe," I say, rolling my eyes, knowing it won't happen.

It doesn't take us long to get to Jake's house, a luxurious townhouse filled with teens and early 20-something-year-olds. Some kind of music countdown plays loudly, drowning out the sound of Kathy Griffin and Anderson Cooper in Times Square on the living room TV.

I separate from Becca and Alejandra to get a drink, debating between champagne and bottled water, since the spiked punch is definitely not an option, deciding on the water.

"Haven't seen you in a while," I hear a voice from beside me as I sway to the music, sipping my water.

I set the bottle down and turn, shifting my weight to one side.

"It's only been a week," I roll my eyes.

Holden shrugs. "Yeah, I guess it has. But, things have changed."

"Like what?" I ask raising my eyebrows.

He still looks the same as always. Same big brown eyes. Same short brown hair. He's a little paler now though, since it's winter, but still tan nonetheless.

"Well, Charlotte and my dad are getting married," he sighs breathlessly, nodding, as if he can't believe it.

My mouth drops open slightly and I study his face before I choose my response. Surprisingly, he seems to look at ease and not appalled.

"Great?" I say in more of a question, with squinted eyes.

He smiles at me. "I'm ok with it. I told her it's fine."

I smile back genuinely. "That's great!"

"You were right," he says.

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "About what?"

"I should've given her a chance from the beginning."

"I'm always right," I remind him and he laughs. "So you push people away--it's your thing," I shrug nonchalantly, wishing it wasn't his thing, and his eyebrows furrow slightly.

"What's your thing?" He asks me.

I think for a second and then shrug.

"I don't know. You tell me."

Holden narrows his eyes for a second, cocking his head slightly to the side.

"I'll have to get back to you on that."


Elijah takes one of the glasses of champagne, planning to empty it's contents in the kitchen, then head back to the party, but decides to take it to go when Lydia walks in to get some champagne also.

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