Chapter 2

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I sat at my desk as usual, typing my history essay that was due in a week. I was on a roll-four paragraphs already completed with ten to fifteen really long and complicated sentences, and halfway through the conclusion.

Oh who am I kidding.

In reality, I hardly had anything on the page. I was still deciding on what I should write for the title to make it look interesting. I didn't even have my name on it yet.

Anne Sierra. I typed out.

And it's due tomorrow.

Anne, get yourself together!

I decided to take a break from my writing, even though I barely started, and went downstairs into the kitchen to drink. Looking into the fridge, I decided to pour myself a bottle of orange juice and munch on a whole jar of olives. I love olives. Don't even say anything against that.

My parents weren't home. That's okay. They were very successful business people and I know they love me very much, even though they're usually not here for me most of the time. Although sometimes I wish that they put more effort into seeing me more.

I sighed, and stared around the room that I'd been going to for food my whole life. Or from what I remember.

From the entrance, there was a large refrigerator in the right hand corner of the room, and along the wall were very tall shelves too high for me to reach, because I have a very cute height. To the left of the room was a stove, an oven which I used to bake, and some more shelves. And I was too tiny to reach anything stored away at the top of the shelves.

I brought my orange juice and the jar of olives back into my room and sat at my desk. I decided to scroll through anything and everything Taylor Swift. As I was looking through Kimye versus Swift, my short legs were getting bored so I started kicking the wall behind my desk. After a while, I realized it was hollow so I moved my table aside and found a small door like the one from Alice in Wonderland, but this one was large enough for me to fit. I slowly opened it out of curiosity and it turned out to some secret passageway you usually see in the movies.

So I went in.

The hallway was very dark and it was a really long walk, around one kilometer, and I almost fainted because I wanted my orange juice and olives with me.

Until what seemed like forever, I finally saw a light. Like Marlin and Dory, I followed it, probably walking straight into an angler fish's mouth.

Instead, I entered a vast room.

"Welcome Mr. Ashton and Mrs. Reyla Sierra."

I jumped, feeling both surprised and confused at the same time.

All of a sudden, a hologram turned on.

Okay, what is going on?

There were many tools filling the cupboards all over the room. As I walked closer, it slowly dawned upon me that they were not normal tools you use to build and fix stuff. They looked special and different.

Spy gear and some other weird stuff I've never seen before.

There were fingerprint scanners and lots of other things.

And then I saw a picture of my parents.


Suddenly, quick footsteps echoed the hallway and came closer and closer into the room.

My parents. They're home.

But I needed answers. What is this place?

"Mom! Dad! What exactly is this place?" I shouted, "What is all this equipment doing here?"

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