Living Hell

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*Gdragon POV*
I turned to see Ae Cha falling on the ground passed out. I ran to her.

"AE CHA! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!" I yell like a mad man.

She lost too much blood. I picked her up bridal style and started running out of the suite. Everyone was looking at me thinking I hurt her seeing blood drip from her cuts. People were trying to stop me and but I pushed them away.

I fished my phone out of my pocket as fast as I could. I called Baby Face.

"Oh Hey boss we are at the air-"

"COME RIGHT NOW! AE CHA IS BLEEDING TO DEATH!" I yelled through the phone.

"Yes boss we are on our-"

I hung up.

I looked at her hurt face.

"Cha I am so sorry. I just took the vows that I would protect you but I already failed. Forgive me." I said as a tear rolled off  my cheek.

Right then and Monicheol rolled up. I ran in the car placed her on me. I rubbed her hand gently.

Please.. Please make it

"Looks like she got rekted." a unpleasant voice said behind me

"Say one fricken word and I'll make sure you will never speak again." I growled hitting Ri Kim in the head

"Boss what happen?" Monicheol asked worried

"I don't know. I got there and she was tied up. Three men were trying to kill her but I killed two the other one got away." I said my eyes still glued on Ae Cha.

"We are here." Baby face called.

I jumped out of the dusty seat running with Ae Cha in my hands.


Four doctors came rushing to me putting Ae Cha on a stretcher.

"Please fill out this form" one of the doctors said handing me.

I grabbed the form and threw it at Monicheol.

"Fill this out!" I yelled shaking of anger and sadness

"Boss what about Ri Kim?" Baby face asked

She had have of done this. When we get back to Seoul she will know pain.

"Get the handcuffs and lock her to the car. We
Go to Seoul tomorrow." I said as baby face made his way to the exit

5 Hours later

Everyone was asleep but me. My eyes were red. My arms hurt and I seemed not to care. I was just thinking about Ae Cha. As I thought deeper and deeper I remember.

I killed two men in front of her. On our honeymoon.

My pain did not matter anymore. I was worried for her. My heart was broken for her. I want her to wake up. I want to see that beautiful face. I want to say sorry. I want to give her lots
of love.

So wake up. If I lose you again. I won't be able to move on.

"Um sir. The patient Kwon Ae Cha is now recovering. She seemed to have broken her arm. She has large cuts but it should heal soon. You can go see her in room 52. She should wake up soon. " The nurse said to me.

"Thank you." I said running to room 52.

I opened the door to see her sleeping peacefully. She was wearing a cast. She had cuts and bruises on her face and legs.

People think I don't have feelings that I am fearless. But that's the opposite. I am scared making myself big when I am really little.

I saw her finger move. It relived me but also I had a pang of pain in my heart.

I have to explain myself. There is no telling what will happen.

*Ae Cha POV*

My eyes flutter open. Right then pain hit. My arm hurt so much and my vision was blurry. My mouth was dry I tired to talk but nothing came out.

Tried to move my body but nothing happen.

Please tell me this is a dream

My eyes started to focus more and then I saw
Ji sitting next to my bed holding my hand.

"Are you up?" He asked eyes with tons of worry.

I opened my mouth but nothing came out again. I looked at him with confusion.

His eyes pop open as he ran out of the room. I just laid down looking at the sky. I can't even move or say a word.

*Gdragon POV*

She can't talk? I ran to the nearest Doctor and grabbed him by  his coat.

"YOU SAID EVERYTHING WOULD BE ALRIGHT! SO WHY CAN'T MY WIFE TALK?" I yelled slamming him against the wall.

"Calm down boss." Monicheol said as he ripped me off of the doctor.

"S-She can't talk!!!" I yell kicking the nearby chair

"Sir we will go check her out. For now keep this wild animal in his cage." The Doctor said to Monicheol.

I broke down busting out of the hospital running in the poring rain. I ran faster not caring. I heard a honk and looked at the bright light coming my way.

*Ri Ri POV*

I smiled as I look at the left over poison in my hand.
You will never be able to speak or walk again .I thought I got rid of you with hitting you with the car. I guess I did not make sure that you would stay "brain washed"

But now Kwon Ae Cha I finally win.

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