Chapter 2: The Bloody Tooth

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"Ms. Hughes wants you to come to the lobby"
I got up and started to walk. I knew why Ms. Hughes called me up, my Dad was coming to check on me. He does a monthly check on me to make sure I'm okay. I don't know why he does this, I understand that I almost died when I was born, but Dad shouldn't worry over something little.
"There she is!"
I looked boringly at my dad, he always gives me that exclamation statement.
"Ms. Hughes, you know that I will be inspecting this facility, so it's best for your children to be on their best behavior"
"Yes, Mr.Carson, Rebecca will assist you during your inspection, just like you requested."
We both headed toward the hallway and entered in Gremmie's dormitory.
"Hey Gremmie"
"Everything okay?"
"From a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being the worst and 10 being the best, how would you rate the way  Ms.Hughes's requirements of accomodation?" 
"If you could, how would you change the system here?"
"Everything is okay, I wouldn't change anything"
It was like this all day, Dad asks questions and the kids answer them. It was so boring, at one point, I couldn't hear anything he was saying. I was almost half-asleep right when Dad finally finished.
"Well, looks like someone's Sleeping Beauty today."
Dad chuckled at his own joke, while I had one eye closed and one eye open.
"Did you get any sleep last night?"
I had enough of these questions, I wanted to scream at him, but for some strange reason I couldn't. I was too tired to even answer him.
"I'm okay.."
"Are you sure you don't want me to switch you to a treatment center?"
At this point, I didn't really care, but I knew Dad was worried about me. He knew about my depression problem, and he's been trying FOREVER to fix it, but I guess I was born that way.
I may not have done something worthy ever in my life, but I can't stop remembering a dream I had when I was 8 years old. I was sitting in a blank and empty space, but I suddenly appeared in a playground.

I could see a lot of color right then. I could see the yellow green grass, the big blue slide, the charcoal black stairs, the canary yellow poles, bells that were azure blue, candy red, shamrock green and tangerine orange bells. The monkey bars were a lapis blue color and the children were running, jumping, skipping, galloping and walking. There was so much movement! It was an amazing sight, the only thing that wasn't good was that I couldn't move anywhere. I felt caged, I stared out into the opened and I longed for the outdoors. Even if there weren't people conversating and having fun, it still would've been great to run across the beautiful lawn and feel the wind gliding through my skin.

Besides, I just don't feel great, sure people talked to me, but I didn't feel like I fit in. They would invite me to talk, but once they start talking, they exclude me form their group. They don't just yell at me,
"Get outta here!"
"Go away, you're boring us"
They just don't see me, I try to get in the conversation a few times, but they don't pay attention to me at all.
It's been like that at school, but it doesn't bother me one bit.

"Nah, I'm ok...."
"C'mon Rebbsy, you just need to-"
"-lighten up...."
We both stay silent for a few minutes. I'm guessing Dad is trying to think what to say next. He thinks I'm really sensitive.
Pfff, yeah right, like I'll ever lighten up.
"So, why do you think the orphanage has low income?
"Beats me"
I still stare out in the open, it's weird that a city doesn't surround us, I sometimes even wonder how my dad even found this place.
But meh, I don't really focus on that type of stuff. I just stay here like a rotting turtle.

"Scott Carson!"

I was hearing someone shout my dad's name, I bet it's the head director making sure dad's doing his work.
"Yes sir?"
"Are you done?"
"Yes sir"
"Then let's go!"
Great. Dad's leaving, like anything will get worse. Goodbye dad, hello loneliness. Oop, hold on,
dad's coming back.
"See ya later, Rebbsy!:
Dad starts to go away from me, and I just go to my dormitory. I go up the stairs, all the way up to the 2nd floor, and into room 215.
Wow, for some strange reason, my bedroom is a mess.
I wonder who made this mess?
I turned around to see who it was, and it was Ms. Hughes.
She just looks at me with a frown in her face. I'm not sure if she's either sad or mad at me.
"Yes Ms. Hughes?"
"Please clean your dormitory"
I don't know who messed up my room, but I'm kind of annoyed. Why would anybody mess up my room?
My first guess was Mark, but he doesn't even know my room number. He barely remembers his own room number.
Maybe it was Becky, since she's pretty optimistic about everything. I'm surprised she can maintain a good approach to the way we do things around here. I'll go ask her, but I better do it quick, or Ms. Hughes is going to be really irritated. Now, what was her room number?

Wow, I can't even memorize anything, I must be the most ludicrous kid ever.

I literally can't recall where her dormitory is.
Ok, I really need to hurry up, Ms. Hughes might come any minute now. Just as I thought hope was lost, Becky came to me.
"Hi Rebecca, are you looking for something?"
"Oh, um, can I ask you something?"
Honestly, I just wish I could just ignore this problem, but I have to know.
"Someone messed up my room and I have no idea who did it."
"Do you want me to tell Ms.Hughes?"
"No thanks, I don't want her to worry her."
"Maybe the culprit left some clues"
"Ok, I'll check, and thanks!"
"Your welcome, good luck!"
I walk to my room and start digging through the mess.

A pack of used up cigarettes, some squished up skittles, a sticky lollipop stick, a few crumpled up papers......

Wait, folded up papers? Hmmmm..... so it might not be an orphan here. I unfold them and I am completely baffled by the information that I am holding in my hands. They had a bunch of combinations; I look around the paper and on top of the list of combinations, it says " Social Security Numbers".

What are social security numbers?

I search for more clues and I saw something that caught my eye. I get closer to get a better look and I can't believe what my two eyeballs see.......

A bloody tooth.

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