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   Lizzies P.O.V
We were getting a taxi back to the hotel when i notice the crazy guy who tried to  kill us running around the streets I said OMG looked out Joel's window there we all watched the guy  run around probably looking for me and tiff I looked at tiff and said " I hope he does not know we're youtubers ur he might come to the vidcon just then the guy looked straight throw the window at me and tiff we both screamed what's up every body said then looked out the window and saw the man staring at them then Lizzie put her finger up to him. Just then he started charging towards the car Tiff screamed at the taxi man to go befor we all died the taxi driver just looked at her so Tiff jumped in the drivers seat pushing him into the passenger  seat she instantly put her foot put on the pedal and we went speading of of I quickly shouted over every body screaming do u know were u are going she screamed back no I quickly clung on to joel putting my head on his chest then the crazy man jumped ins   taxie and chucked the driver on the road he quickly caught up to us and I screamed put ur foot on it at Tiff so she did and I went flying straight back into Joel ups   I screamed then tiff said u try driving this thing ok I will I said and pushed tiff into the back I quickly said hold on as we sped then Joel said someone should call the cops " on it Ollie said as started to call. Then i said were should we go every body said I don't no so I turned a corner an said I got it I turned left and right all over the place till we go to a massive house it was a mangan it looked huge I quickly pulled up on the drive and shouted get out I quickly knocked on the door the man who opened it "LIZZIE" hi grandad I replied can me and all my friends come in please he let us and said so who are all these people. Oh ye I said this is Yammy u know her and this is Joel Annie Mitty Callum Tiff and red and Ollie every body waved to john (Lizzies grandad I made up the name) said so why are u all here. We all looked at each other then Annie said well u see we were being chased by some crazy guy so Lizzie drove us here. Umm year I then said Lizzie grandad then said " well I see u might need to stay here for a while then" we all noded and said probably. I quickly then said so where's gran "oh she is in the kitchen" then me and Yammy raced of to the kichen then I came running back saying umm were is the kitchen again the house is so big oh it's the 3rd corridor to the left the last door ok I said as I raced of to the kitchen with Yammy
Mean while
So witch one of u is Beth's boyfriend. who is Beth Ollie said then John said oh that's what we call Lizzie Beth short for Elizabeth" oh ollie said then John said so who is Beth's boyfriend. Then every one looked at joel umm me Joel said then john smiled and said ok why don't u come meet the family Joel said can red come John smiled again and said of corse then Joel and red went befor John left he said u can come to so everyone followed John they all went into a room were Lizzie and Yammy and Lizzies grand mother drinking a cup of tea well Lizzie wasn't she had coffee hi Yammy said as Lizzie was talking to her grandmother. ur Lizzie Yammy said give me a sec yams the Lizzie looked behind her and whispered oh hi. everyone laughed then Lizzie said so what u all doing" Joel and red srugged so did every one else um John why did u bring them all here said Lizzies grandmother ( Christian) then Lizzie said can we go look around I haven't seen ur new house yet then Christina said of course all of u go look around. So Lizzie said well come on and grabbed Joel's hand and Annie pulling them into hall way saying as she left every body look around then ran of
We all ran toward one weird looking door I tried to open it but it wouldn't budge um any one won't to try so then tried no Ollie tried no Joel friend no Callum no red no then I looked at tiff and we both kicked the door and it went flying open making me and tiff go flying down some Hard stairs we screamed as we hit the cold floor at the bottom oww we both cried Then Joel red and Yammy came running down the stairs to see me and tiff on the floor looking like we're dead
OMG are u to all right she whispered
Then Tiff replied with do we look ok
I simply replied with no
( T means tiff j means Joel r red and y means Yammy)
R um do u to need some help
Y yer u look like u do
J ye u might really need some help u to look dead no offence
T and L non taken
As Joel helped Lizzie up and red and Yammy helped tiff up the other people walked down the stairs then the door slammed behind them Lizzie quickly dashed up the stairs up there she screamed " NO WERE STUCK NOO" then Tiff jolted up the stairs and tried to kick it down but she went flying tacking Lizzie with her at the bottom of the stairs. That knocked both of them so now they looked dead probably be then Joel said
J we need some way of getting out of her and waking the girls up
R they are not waking up any time soon
Y so u to have to carry them and make sure there fjne while we look for a way out of this place
C year u guys stay here with the girls and every one else comes and looks for a way out
A yep that sounds good
M so everyone agrees u to stay and we will find a way out of her
( every one nods )

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2016 ⏰

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