Part 1: Chapter 4

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"So?" Undyne tapped her foot rapidly, crossing her arms tightly. "What's the answer?"

"I believe this clue was meant for me," said Toriel. She gently took the paper from Sans and studied it carefully, squinting a bit. "There is one door that I was reluctant to open. A door I hid behind for years. The joke would not have any punch line in that situation."

"the ruins." Sans muttered. "how does this person know so much about us?"

"Doesn't matter. We have forty-five minutes and that's all the way across the Underground. And unless I'm mistaken, the elevators aren't working and we definitely don't have a River Person." Undyne pointed her flashlight at the door. "Let's go."

A fresh wave of anxiety settling over the group, they quickly climbed back up the staircase and headed out of the castle into New Home. The empty streets were an eerily silent reminder of days long past, when the hopes and dreams of one day breaking free to the surface lit up the city. The present sight was more like an unsettling nightmare.

Several minutes later, and all the way through the blistering heat of Hotland, they finally arrived at Alphys' lab. Unsurprisingly, the automatic doors were behaving less than automatically due to the lack of power. Mustering up their strength, Undyne and Asgore managed to pull them apart, allowing them all inside.

"What the..." Undyne stopped for a second as they entered.

Glowing letters lit up the room. TICK TOCK.

"he's mocking us." Sans growled.

"...Ah..." Alphys was secretly disheartened at the vandalism of the place she'd once called home, but all she could do was shake her head and follow Undyne and Asgore to the other door, which they'd already begun trying to pry open.

"wait a second, do you hear something?" Sans paused, looking around the deserted lab.

"What do you hear?" Toriel asked.

"i dunno. sounds like a kinda scuffling."

"It doesn't matter, we have to keep... uurrrrghhh, going!" Undyne wrenched the door open and bolted out of it.

"It is probably mice. This place has been deserted for a long time." Toriel assured Sans as they followed Undyne out of the lab.

Down the path to Waterfall they tore, not taking in any of their surroundings. They were thankful for the rooms with the glowing rocks, which illuminated their path more effectively than Undyne's flashlight. Pretty soon the light cyan waters lit up the surrounding area for them, casting their shadows on the ceiling as they easily cleared the gap where a friendly and determined little bird used to sit.

With about fifteen minutes remaining, the group reached the edge of Snowdin. They didn't stop to catch their breath as they ran through the snow. Painted on the side of Sans and Papyrus's old house were more glowing letters but Undyne intentionally ignored them, diving into the shortcut instead. Within seconds, they reached the other side and bolted across the bridge. Sans did his best to suppress any feelings of nostalgia as they crossed his brother's handiwork.

When they finally reached the doors to the Ruins, out of breath and with two minutes to spare, they stared up at them in confusion.

"I don't... see anything..." Alphys said, looking around the area.

"Well..." Undyne huffed, "Maybe it's... behind the door?" She grunted, wedging her fingers into the gap between doors and heaving them open. She stumbled inside, her eye darting around for clues.

"Wait!" Asgore called, looking up at them. "Something is appearing."

"Of course. The door is ajar." Toriel crossed her arms. "And I think this clue is yours, Sans."

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