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"No I'm not scared, it's just so mundane." Alec said

"Oh get over yourself Alec. If you want you can walk and I'll meet you there." I said with a sarcastic smile.

Alec let out an annoyed sigh and got in the car. I knew I would win this argument.

"Buckle up" I warned

He obeyed and I started the car. I knew I wanted to give Alec a bit of a scare so I decided to get the engine roaring.

"Woah, what are you doing? Slow down!" He exclaimed

"Relax Lightwood." I laughed

The whole ride to the office, Alec was trying to act all cool, but I knew I had given him a good scare. Mission accomplished in my books.

When we arrived, I knew Alec was going to make some stupid comment about our office, so I decided to just ignore him all together. Why did he really want to come with me anyway? Probably just to spy on us.

I unlocked the door to find everything looked untouched so far. Good, no one had been in here. I went to turn on the lights and was startled to see two people sitting in our chairs

"Jesus Dad, you scared me!" I said catching my breath

"Hello Diana." My dad said

Katie and Elliot's mom Amelia was there too. Why are they here?

"Brought a friend did we?" Amelia asked me

I panicked. If they knew Alec was a shadowhunter, they will flip out and know something was up with the mission.

"He's a shadowhunter." My dad said

Well there goes that. At least they're taking it well. I really hope they don't know about the mission because as much as I hate saying it, we need the shadowhunters to help us, and my dad will ban us from going with them if he finds out.

"Yes dad, this is Alec" I said turning towards the shadowhunter

Alec just waved and went about his business of looking for the log books. My heart is racing. I wish they would just tell me why they're here.

"So, if there's nothing I can help you with, I need to get some stuff for the rest of us." I said

"Diana," My dad started. Oh no this is it. "Why do you have a shadowhunter here?"

"Oh Alec, he's just... he wanted..."

"We were sent the same mission and were trying to figure out why." Alec said

Oh my god. I'm finished. I am going to kill Alec if my dad lets me leave with him. My dad and Amelia's faces dropped. It's almost as if they knew something like this was going to happen. Do they know if something else is going to happen?

"Diana, you need to stay here." My dad said

"What! No!" I said. As much as it pains me to say this, we have to stay with the shadowhunters. They really are our best bet to finding out what's going on.

"Please Diana, listen to your father." Amelia pleaded. "And please bring everyone back."

"I'm sorry I can't." I said gathering books. I can't have this conversation right now.

I ran upstairs leaving Alec downstairs to be interrogated by my dad and Amelia. I gathered two bags full of clothes. One for Elliot and Shawn and one for Katie and I. I made sure I had everything I needed for the next couple of days. I don't want to come back here if I don't have too. My dad's already mad enough. I ran downstairs to find my dad and Amelia in a heated argument with Alec.

"Hey!" I shouted "We don't have time for this. We're going back to the institute and we will return once we figure out why we were sent the same mission."

"Diana, please stay here." My dad said "It's not safe."

"You can't protect me forever dad. I got this." I answered

I didn't want to stay in the environment any longer. I grabbed Alec and we ran out to the cars. Once we were a safe distance away, I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

"God dammit Alec!" I said slamming my hands against the steering wheel.

"What?" He asked

"Why did you tell my dad about the mission!? You just made things worse! Now they will never leave us alone."

"How was I supposed to know that?"

"You should have just followed my lead!" I exclaimed

"I'm a terrible liar." He answered truthfully

I let out such an aggravated sigh; I actually scared myself. I didn't know I could get so angry.

"I'm sorry Diana." Alec said as we pulled up to the institute.

His apology took me by surprise. Alec Lightwood is saying sorry after the attitude he gave me earlier? Wow.

I gave a weak smile in response. All I wanted to do now was sleep but that looked like that wasn't going to happen when we opened the door to chaos. The red haired girl had woken up, but she had a friend with her.

"What's going on? Why is there a mundane in the institute?" Alec asked getting his attitude back.

I quickly ran out of the picture in the hopes of finding Katie in the room where I left everyone. I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw Katie, Shawn and Elliot still working away at the computers

"Hey Di, Did you get the stuff?" Katie asked with a smile

"Yeah. I have so much to tell you guys." I said sitting down.

A/N Sorry another filler chapter!!! XOXO


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