Chapter 7

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Sorry this is a really long Chapter. I just couldn't stop writing.

Alison pov

I walk through the door to see Emily and Estella passed out. They are both laying on there sides with Emily's arm tightly wrapped around Estella. I couldn't believe it the two people I love and care about the most, are right there. And Emily is so protective of Estella.

I decide to let them sleep for a little while longer while I go into my office. When I go to the door it is already open with the lights on. Ugh, Estella needs to learn how to turn lights off. I go to my desk to see a picture drawn. It has Estella, Emily and I holding hands with the word family on top. Awww! God why can't Emily make a decision, I can't wait any longer I just want her to be mine. And it looks like Estella agrees. Estella never stops talking about Emily, she always want her to be here.

I put the picture to the side and start writing. I told you how I'm not in love with my job, but what I really love to do is write. I actually started writing about my high school life, with A and the girls. Its from my perspective so you find out what it was like for me on the run. So far I am up to the point where the girls find me.

"Hey" I hear

I look up to see Emily at the door walking over to me.

"Sorry, did I wake you?" I asked

"No" she chuckled

"Good" I giggled

"So, what are you writing?" she asked leaning up against the desk

"Just a story about my life" I answered with a smile

"Am I in it" She questioned

"Obviously. Its about everything, A, you, the girls and me" I replied

"What part are you at" she wondered

"Um...when we met at the abandon building" I said

"Oh" she whispered 

"For some reason when I write about us I can go on for hours" I say

"Well we do have a big history" she stated

"Ya but my feelings for you and how much I..."

I couldn't say anymore it was to depressing

"Emily I am so sorry for how I treated you" I said sadly with my eyes watering

"Hey" she said pulling my chin to face her "that was the past. I forgive you, your not that person anymore. I mean look you raised a perfect kid all by yourself. Started a big company and saved us from A. I don't know any one better than that" she slowly wiped the tear rolling down my cheek

We looked into each others eyes and I got lost. She is just so amazing. We both started leaning in and are lips were inches apart.

"Mommy" I hear

Me and Emily jump away from each other and I see a sleepy Estella rubbing her eyes. I get up and walk over to her and pick her up. She leans her head on my shoulder and she closes her eyes.

"What's the matter baby?" I ask

"I tired" she says groggy

"Well its time for bed. Say bye and thank you to Emily" I say

"Bye Emmy, love you" she says sleepily

We both freeze, that's the first time she said it.

"B-Bye Stella, love you too" Emily smiles

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