Day 1- Cuddles

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Summary: Tristan and Miles are always caught cuddling around the Milligan's household. Owen isn't in this, he is up at Collage. :)

Mrs. Milligan

Tristan quickly opened the door to his house, him and Miles running inside, trying to escape the cold rain that was coming down quickly outside. Miles stood inside rubbing his hands up and down his arms, trying to warm himself up.

"Come upstairs- I'm sure I have something you can borrow." Tristan said, leading Miles upstairs, and into his bedroom.

Tristan opened his closet, and started to look for something that I could wear, so I didn't have to sit in these wet clothes all night.

"Hurry up Tris, I'm freezing!" Miles complained, picking up the pace of his moving hands.

Tristan, rolled his eyes, pulling out the red sweater and jogging pants, that he had once robbed Miles of. He handed them to Miles, with a smile. Miles headed into the bathroom connected to Tris' bedroom.

Tristan quickly pulled on a new shirt, and a pair of pyjama bottoms.

Miles came out of the bathroom, now dressed in new clothes, his hair shaggy from the rain and the friction of pulling a sweater over his head.

"Hm, if I knew you looked that good in my clothes, I would of made sure it rained a lot sooner." Tristan laughed.

"I believe these were actually mine at some point." Miles responded, walking closer to Tristan, who was sitting on his bed.

Tristan blushed and shrugged.

Miles eyed Tristan, "Sleeping soon?"

Tristan laughed, "No, I just wanted to wear something comfy, cuse I was um kinda wondering uh-" Tristan started to shy away, his cheeks turning a crimson pink.

Miles sat beside Tristan on the bed, "What is it Tris?" Miles grabbed his hand rubbing his thumb over Tris' soft knuckles.

Tristan smiled. "Can we cuddle?"

Miles gave out a small chuckle leaning into kiss Tristan softly. "Of course we can."

Tristan and Miles crawled over to the top of Tristan's bed. Miles pulling back the covers, and sliding underneath, Tristan following his action. Tristan layed down placing his head on Miles' chest. Miles snaked one arm around Tristan's waist, and brought one hand up, so he could play with Tristan's semi-dry hair.

Tristan smiled, pressing his head further into Miles' chest.

Tristan let his eyes fall close, enjoying  the way Miles was tracing patterns into his hair.

He didn't let his eyes open until there was a loud knock on his doorframe. Tristan looked over to the doorframe where his mom was standing. Stern faced, hair messy and wearing a pant suit.

"Hi mom, how was work?" Tristan smiled. Miles was hiding his head in Tristan's pillow trying to hide his embarrassment. 

"Fine. I want you downstairs, and you can tell your little friend to come too." She turned on her heels, and started to walk downstairs.

Tristan moved off of Miles, and sat up in bed. Miles following his actions.

"I'm so sorry." Tristan whispered.

Miles placed a kiss on Tristan's cheek.

"It's okay." he said, smiling.


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