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(Chris's P.O.V)  

I hated going to work with my brother but his business has been booming since day 1. I usually just help with putting clients in and ordering tools. Trey does the rest, I mean sure I help out every once in a while but why should I if it's his business, and plus I help him get majority of the lady customers. I mean come on look at me who wouldn't want me. But on the real note me and Trey have been good brothers since we found out we were half brothers.

We have the same dad but different moms. At first we were just getting to really know each other but now were real tight and I even convinced him to get a business started up around here. He took my advice and now here we are.   

"Aye Chris, did your order any new transmissions and screws?" Trey asked while wiping his hands on the dirty towel. I walked over to the computer and moved the mouse a bit to wake up the computer then I pulled up the order list.  

"Yeah, a double of everything and for the screws I got the new ones you've been planning on getting for a while." I responded.  

"Alright, thanks." He said walking back into the working room. He's always working on cars and he could do it all night and day if he had to but I made the opening and closing hours. So his addiction on fixing cars will end. I sat on the little hard stool and took out my phone and scrolled through the contacts. Hmm who could I get to get me a quick fuck in....welp there's Angela. But she always complains about something. Last time she was here she complained about the smell. So defiantly not her. How about Tiffany. Nah, she so damn loud, like every time I let her get on top she gotta scream the holy ghost out. Oh wait, Chelsea is pretty good, she comes right in then right out. My thumb touch her name and I held the phone up to my ear as I waited for her to answer. It rang about a good 4 times before she answered.  

"Hello?" She answered.  

"Sup ma." I responded.  

"Hmm is it a call for what I think it is?" She asked knowing good and well what the call was for.  

"You already know." I answered then chuckling.  

"Mmmk I'll be there in 10." She said then hanging up. I smirked. Whenever I'm not busy I always call to get a quick fuck in but Trey..nope you can bring him 15 show girls he'll always put work first before woman, but I think differently.  

I played on my phone for a while until I heard that familiar ding when someone walks in. I looked up and saw Chelsea. I smiled at her then I got up from my seat.  

"Hey baby." I welcomed her by kissing her cheek.  

"Welp, let's get started." She urged on for us.  

"That's what I like to hear." I smiled at her response. I grabbed her waist then took her into a whole other different room. This is where Trey puts the cars he hasn't started on so I bring them in here. I picked a good spot to hide at then found the right place. Some nice cherry red vol vol car with tinted windows.

I opened the doors then let her go inside first. I crawled in but I heard my foot knock something down.  

"What was that?" She asked looking nervous.  

"Nothing I just accidentally knocked something down." I waved off. She laid back in the back seat while I closed the door then hovered on top of her. I stared at her body up and down. It caused me to bite my lip at her.  

"Oh, were gonna have fun today." I said before kissing her. She was wearing this crop top that showed her belly ring and short shorts. I kissed her again then added my tongue in. Before i knew it her hands had already found their way to my belt. Yep, she knows how I like it.  

After about 15 minutes we were still making out but I had her shirt off and was now planting hickeys on her neck but she would give a weird look every now and then so I got fed up.  

"What's wrong baby, you've been uncomfortable and fidgeting ever since we got in here." I asked her cause I was already hard and needed to fuck quick.  

"'s just I don't know...I feel tried and there's a weird smell." She whined. I don't why she felt tired but I have been smelling that weird smell for a while now.  

"It's probably nothing." I assured her then when back to kissing her but she just sat up.  

"I'm sorry that smell is giving me a headache I have to go." She said pulling up her shirt sleeve. I sat up and smacked my lips. She opened the door then almost ran out of the room.  

"Fine but I won't call you again." I yelled at her while she flipped me the bird. Man fuck her and her excuses.  

I walked back over to the car but I felt my foot step in a puddle. I looked down and saw it was that bottle I accidentally knocked down early. Oh that's what that smell was. Oh well. I picked it up then set it down somewhere. I was already upset I had a hard dick and I had to wait a few more hours till Trey was done. I pulled out my lighter then lit it but I was walking at the same time so I accidentally bumped into some stupid ass cart Trey left and I dropped my lighter. Little did I know it started to start a fire. The fire started to rise up pretty quickly and fast. SHIT. I turned around but scraped my arm on some stupid ass medal tool.   

"Fuck" I yelled as blood dripped from my arms and the fire started to spread quicker. Before I knew it the whole room I was in was lit and started to spread far more worse than I excepted.......

This part told how they ended up dying so thanks for reading!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2013 ⏰

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