Grizzilla chapter five

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Meanwhile in the land of Ooo, Finn, and Jake were playing Card Wars in the kitchen when all of the sudden a teleporter appeared right in front of them. "What is that thing, Jake?" asked Finn. "I don't know, Finn." said Jake. "But let's find out!" So Jake and Finn walked up to the teleporter and opened the door. Jake looked inside and saw Chloe and her friends sleeping. "What is it, Jake?" asked Finn. "There's a girl, a panda bear, a polar bear, a koala bear, and a hairy guy!" said Jake. "Wow!" said Finn staring at the five strangers. Just then Chloe and her friends woke up staring back at Finn and Jake. "Are we having a staring contest?" asked Charlie. "Ice Bear wins a staring contest." said Ice Bear. "No, we're sorry for staring." said Finn. "But who are you guys?" asked Jake. The five strangers got out of the teleporter and introduced themselves to Jake and Finn. "Chloe." said the ten-year-old girl. "Panda." said the black and white bear. "Ice Bear." said the white bear. "Nom Nom." said the koala. "Charlie." said the Sasquatch. "Nice to meet you all." said Jake. "My name is Jake and this is my brother Finn." "Nice to meet you too." said Chloe. "How may we help you?" asked Finn. Taking his phone out of the bag, Panda showed Finn and Jake a picture of Grizz. We're looking for my brother." said Panda. "Have you seen him?" Finn and Jake took a closer look at the photo. "Yeah we've seen him." said Finn. "He was here hanging with us for a few days." said Jake. "But how did he turn into a 50ft tall grizzly bear asked Finn. "It's a long story, Finn." said Panda. "Well why don't we talk about it over breakfast?" asked Jake. "I made bacon pancakes." "Um Jake, I'm a vegetarian." said Panda. "No prob, Panda." said Jake. "I also made plain pancakes." "Thanks, Jake!" said Panda. While eating their pancakes at the table Finn said, "So how did your brother get this way?" One hour later after telling Finn and Jake about Grizz Jake said, "Wow dude, why didn't he read the instructions?" "You know how when you're a kid and it's your birthday and you get so excited that you want to open up all your presents?" asked Panda. Jake and Finn nodded their heads. "Well that's Grizz." said Panda. "He gets so excited whenever a package arrives on our doorstep or when my brother Ice Bear cooks up a special meal." "So you're saying that Grizz got too excited to even read the instructions, Panda?" asked Jake. "Yes, Jake." said Panda. "Finn, you said that Grizz was hanging with you and Jake for a few days right?" asked Chloe. "How did he get into your world?" "It's a long story, Chloe." said Finn. "We're listening, kid." said Nom Nom. "Well it all started a few days ago when Jake and I were playing card wars in the kitchen." said Finn. "Then all of the sudden, we heard a loud thump coming from outside the house." "We go outside and look up to see a giant grizzly bear." said Jake. "To make the story short, we hang out, play some games, it was awesome until we took Grizz to the Candy Kingdom." "Why what happened?" asked Chloe. "Well we took Grizz to the Candy Kingdom to see if Princess Bubblegum could change Grizz back to normal." said Finn. "But while Princess Bubblegum was about to make the antidote, she hears Peppermint Butler screaming for help!" "So Princess Bubblegum, Finn, and I ran outside and saw Grizz trying to eat Peppermint Butler!" said Jake. "Princess Bubblegum was angry at your brother for trying to eat Peppermint Butler so she told him to put her friend down." said Finn. "And then what happened?" asked Chloe. "After Princess Bubblegum scolded Grizz, he started to cry and ran away saying something about going to Aberdale, Arizona." said Jake. "Aberdale, Arizona?!" cried Panda taking out his phone. "That's like 500 miles!" "Grizz sure loves to travel." said Charlie. "Do we have to go to Arizona?" asked Nom Nom. "Yes, Nom Nom." said Chloe. "Ice Bear thinks that Grizz is running away from his problem!" said Ice Bear. "But running away isn't the answer." said Finn. Panda started to cry. Chloe hugged him and said, "Don't cry Panda." "Yeah, Jake and I will help you find Grizz." said Finn. "Thanks, Finn and Jake." said Panda. "Let's go to Princess Bubblegum's castle!" said Jake. "She has the antidote waiting for us there." "The teleporter will take us there faster!" said Panda. The seven friends went inside the teleporter. Before you can say "My dear sweet Aunt Fanny", the teleporter arrived in the Candy Kingdom where Princess Bubblegum was waiting for them. The door opened and out came Finn and his friends. "Hello, Finn and Jake." said Princess Bubblegum. "Who are your friends?" "Hey, PB this is Chloe, Panda, Ice Bear, Nom Nom, and Charlie." said Jake. "We're on our way to Aberdale Arizona to find Grizz." said Finn. "Is the antidote ready?" "Yes, Finn." said Princess Bubblegum giving the antidote to Panda. "But we already have an antidote." said Panda putting the second bottle of antidote inside his bag."Well, now you have two antidotes said PB. "Have a safe journey!" "Are you okay, PB?" asked Finn. "No, I'm sorry you guys." said Princess Bubblegum. "I didn't mean to sound rude." "Do you want to talk about it?" asked Chloe. Princess Bubblegum nodded her head. "I was mad at Grizz for almost eating Peppermint Butler, flooding the kingdom with his tears, and running away when I was going to give him the antidote." said Princess Bubblegum. "But I shouldn't have yelled at him." "It's okay, PB!" said Jake. "Everyone makes mistakes." "The important thing for us to do is to find Grizz before the angry mob finds him first!" said Charlie. "There's an angry mob looking for Grizz too?" asked Finn. "Yeah they're gonna tar and feather him!" said Panda. "Then what are we waiting for?" asked Jake. "To Aberdale, Arizona!" "Later, PB!" said Finn. "And thanks for the antidote!" As the seven friends were inside the teleporter, it disappeared. Princess Bubblegum smiled and said, "Good luck, friends!"
Well, the seven friends are on their way to Aberdale, Arizona. Stay tuned for chapter 6 when the cast of We Bare Bears and the cast of Adventure Time meets the cast of Clarence. Yay!

Grizzilla  by pandasgirls8 Where stories live. Discover now