2: Winter

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(Y/N) stepped out onto the balcony of her penthouse. A cold whisper of air met her immediately. She stared out at the city blankly; it was covered in a continuously growing layer of white. She stuck her hand out and emotionlessly watched a flake gently fall into her hand and then disappear.
Winter yet again. Her mother was somewhere off doing business and would only return in the April of the next year, at the earliest. It wasn't like she cared though. It had been 8 years since she started constantly going out on business, 8 years since the "incident", 8 years since she last saw her father, and 8 years since she last smiled. Her thoughts were interrupted by the sudden growling of her stomach. She sighed and went back inside.
She walked through an organized living room and into the spotless kitchen. She set the glass into the sink and proceeded to make her usual breakfast: a rice omelette. The recipe had been perfected over the 8 years she had been alone. She sat down on her black leather couch and turned on the screen.

"On", she said with monotony. The tv turned on to the gaming channel as she took an uninterested bite from her omelette.
"Everyone is buzzing about the new game 'BladeWorks Online', the first VRMMO. The game's launch will be tonight at 4 pm", the reporter said enthusiastically. "Just look at how many people are waiting in line for the NerveSphere!"
The screen showed hopeful gamers waiting in line for the game and the equipment needed to play. Just then, she heard ping signaling the arrival of mail. She set down her plate and walked over to the door. The light over the mail slot was green. She pulled the handle down revealing a box the size of a watermelon with an envelope attached which he grabbed and walked back to the couch while the mail slot closed and the light turned red.
The envelope had the stamp of their family crest, a tree that looked somewhat like a sakura, meaning it was from her mother. She sighed, opening the letter, already knowing what it would say.

Dear my beloved daughter,
I am sorry to inform you that I will not be able to come home for the Holidays.


'She forgot to leave out again', she thought bitterly.
Her mother had sent the same old letter for every year she "couldn't come home" and the woman was probably off in some tropical country, avoiding the cold. She had gotten used to being alone, be it on the Holidays or on her own birthday. Her mother always sent an insincere apology gift. Last year it had been a white knee length dress. If her mother had actually paid attention to her, she might have known that (Y/N) hated wearing dresses and skirts, especially those of the color white. 'I wonder what it is this year', she thought slightly interested. She opened the box carefully. Inside was a dark gray device that resembled a motor helmet with its tinted glass in front of where the eyes would be. "NerveSphere" was written on the side in bold white letters. 'So this is the famous "NerveSphere"', she thought. 'Wonder where the game is'.

She felt around the box. Her fingers hit something and she pulled it out. It was a small box that had the BladeWorks Online logo on it along with the developers name, Samuel Valdis, and his company, Valdis Inc. His son was Claude Valdis. She had a burning hatred for him. He was probably the most annoying person in the entire world. He'd always leave cheesy gifts at her locker and flirt with her endlessly; he'd also paid the school to put them in the same AP Calculus class even though he was 2 grades above her. It was quite annoying. She looked at the present with disinterest. She had better things to do.
"Off", she said as she stood up. She quickly finished up her breakfast and cleaned up the mess she had made. She put on a random t-shirt she had found in her closet, black leggings, a leather jacket, and black combat boots. Her red hair was put up into a loose braid and her green eyes were covered by aviators.

School, the only thing with even the slightest bit interesting in (Y/N)'s life, though she had no friends, real ones at least. Her motorcycle was parked in her personal garage, she hopped on and headed off to school. She studied the city. Other drivers gave her a weird look, wondering why anyone would drive a motorcycle at this time of year. As soon as she got off her bike, she was instantaneously bombarded by random girls and boys whose name she didn't even know or care to know.
"Hey, (Y/N) ! Nice Bike!", said one boy looking at it dreamily.
"OH MY GOD! I love your outfit today!", said a girl who wore the absolute opposite of what (Y/N)  was wearing, clad in a blinding shade of pink from her stiletto "winter" boots to her lips.
    She just kept on walking, she knew what they wanted. Her money. When (Y/N) came to Ariad High, she was invisible, no one paid attention to her, but at the beginning of the year, her mom had decided to visit. Her mom of course decided to show up at school in her white limo. Since then, everyone had started to be nice to her. It was the same thing everyday, random compliments and invitations from people she didn't know, which she obviously declined.

"Hey, (nickname)!", Claude said with a smirk to her in AP Calculus. She wondered how the idiot with the IQ of  70, at the most, got in. The brunette poked her incessantly on the shoulder forcing her to face him, his beady eyes wandering all over her. She slapped his hand away.

"I told you to never call me that.", she growled. Her eye color dropped to a darker shade. "Now, what is it you vexatious imbecile?"

"Just wanted to see if you were open after school to go cloud watching with me and to tell you that I love you!", he said with a bit of drool coming out of his mouth, oblivious to the fact that she had just called him an annoying idiot. He attempted to pull her into a hug, but failed as she got up to get out of his reach, causing him to fall face first into her empty desk.

"No matter how many times you ask me to go cloud watching with you, I'm going to say no!", she said, walking away from him as the bell rang, saving her.

"I know you love me, (Y/N) ! One day I'll make you realize you do!", he exclaimed, running after her.

"Buzz off you a-", she yelled back before stopping after seeing a teacher.

School went by especially slow. After school, Claude kept on shouting her name and running towards her, she turned on her heel and quickly turned the corner, losing him by going into the library, a place she was pretty sure he didn't know existed. After making sure that she had gotten rid of the annoying twerp, she finally went home. She sighed and plopped down on her couch. The holidays. No homework, no friends, no nothing. There must be something better to live for. Right? She was so sick of wasting time, but nothing moved in her mind. No inspiration to be found. She wished for something more.

The NerveSphere was where she left it, on the table. She looked at the holographic clock; it read 3:50. Wasn't the official BladeWorks Online launch in like 10 minutes? She stared at the NerveSphere for what seemed like forever. '30 minutes in the game won't hurt right?', she thought. 'I mean I have nothing better to do 'She picked up the headset and plugged it into a nearby outlet, inserted the game, set the headset on her head, and laid down on her couch. 'It's not too late to back out', a voice in her head reasoned. 'Just go for it! Or you could just stay here bored.', another argued. She calibrated the NerveSphere, patting her body. She hesitated before saying the 2 words that would change her life forever."Link Start"

Hey hope you guys don't mind, but (Y/N) is going to have red hair :)

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