Running For Life (Short Story #5)

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My name is Glimpse.

I am a King Cheetah, one of the fastest animals alive... But that doesn't mean I'm safe. In not safe from humans.. The cruel hunters that came to try and take my life. What did I do to deserve this? I didn't deserve to be locked in a cage with no food or water, awaiting my death. To be trapped so my graceful muscles couldn't run, to be trapped until my pelt wore thin and my ribs where there for all the world to see.

I was casually hunting one morning two days ago, I was stalking a large antelope, but suddenly the prey's head had shot up- and I knew I hadn't made a sound.. So it had to have meant another danger was near. After the antelope bounded off, I walked carefully into the field, nothing seemed weird...

Until suddenly, I heard a 'zip' sound, and before I could sprint away a net was draped over me... Then i was thrown carelessly into a truck.

So I sit in this horrid cage now, bloody, bruised, heartbroken... Why me? Why us animals? Did we do something wrong? If so just please, tell me instead of making me go through this...

A crack slices thought the room as the door opens and in walks a large male human carrying a gun, I hiss and crawl into the corner of my cage. Soon the human opens up my cage door and a large hand reaches in and grabs me by my neck. I try struggling but another hand hits me across the face and I shriek out as I'm dragged down a narrow strip of space into another room.

Sharp, hard, terrifying objects hang everywhere. I try to fight back against the human but I fail, too weak.

"Let go! Please! What did I do wrong!" I yowl. But the human ignores me.

I'm thrown onto a table with many sharp things surrounding it- I have lost hope.
There is no time for escape.
There is no warning.

There is nothing.. Before a human brings a sharp object down onto my skull.

Authors Note- As you can see, Glimpse did not end well. He was a spirited animal, free and wild, until is dreadful humans destroyed him.. But just know that YOU CAN HELP animals in his situation! Stop animal abuse!

~ Horsey The Beta Quarter Horse

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2016 ⏰

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