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The whole of Hoseok's 10th birthday party was a big deal to Yoongi. The past few months it seemed that it was the only thing Hoseok was able to talk about, babbling on about how excited he was to finally be a big kid! Wide smiles and an intensified jubilation always blossomed from Hoseok around his birthday season, never seeming to fade even if the day turned sour.

Every year Hoseok's mother threw the biggest birthday bash for the little boy possible, and every year Yoongi never failed to feel as though his gifts were disappointing. The other children that were invited- even though some were not friends with the birthday boy, got gigantic gifts for Hoseok. The room would be piled high with large boxes in bright wrapping paper, and by the end of the day the bright pieces of shredded tissue would cover the ground like a festive snow. Many times Yoongi's mother had made it clear to him that they had to budget money, often only allowing her son to get a small plastic toy or a pair of cool socks for his best friend. Hoseok never showed his dissappointment, he was well aware that Yoongi's living situation was a tad shabby, but the older boy could tell by his best friend's faltering expression that he wished for something better to share with the older boy.

Standing in the video game aisle of the nearest department store, he sighed, a few green dollars clutched in his chubby fingers. His mom had wandered off, heading on a wild goose chase for a particular office supply. Eyes glancing from the bold yellow price tags to the leafy paper in his hands, he paced the aisle of games. There was a new Super Mario game for the GameCube that Hoseok had been whining about, complaining because his parents had said he had too many video games. Knowing that Hoseok would practically worship the ground he walked on if he bought his friend the game, the eleven year old had started saving any allowance money and spare change he could get his hands on. He pleaded at his mother for chores to do, and cleaned the house tenfold to pull together  the cold hard cash that was in his soft hands.

His stomach lurched as his eyes landed on the game he was searching for, the picture of Mario staring back at him mockingly because the price tag screamed that he was over 20 dollars short. He felt his eyes burn, knowing that another gift worthy of silent disappointment was in his future. He sucked in a sharp breath, spinning around to look for his mom only to be met with her legs.

She crouched down, pulling her son to her chest. He sniffled, harshly rubbing his eyes as the comforting scent of home flooded his senses. She pat his back and released him, pulling her wallet out and carefully counting the cash in silence. They pooled the bills together, and Ms. Min called over an employee to get the game out of the cabinet for them. Begrudgingly, a pimply teenager waltzed over in the shop's uniform and unlocked the glass case. He handed the game to Yoongi's mom and left the two alone once more without a word.

"It's only fair we pay Hoseok back for being such a good friend, right?" She smiled running a hand through Yoongi's dark locks. He nodded, his eyes welling up with tears of happiness. He enveloped his mom in another hug, a laugh escaping her glossy lips even though the amount of snot covering Yoongi's face was a tad worrying.

The walk back home to the apartment complex was silent, aside from their shoes meeting the cold pavement. Yoongi was bundled up in a scratchy sweater and a pair of mittens he had gotten for Christmas, his hands intertwined with his mother's. She hummed a soft tune as they walked, her shadow dancing in the golden light of the street lamps. Cars zoomed by without a care in the world, their engines screaming into the empty night. The air was chilly, mushy grey snow still littering the ground.

"Thank you mom," Yoongi mumbled, his mother glancing down at her son and smiling as he spoke his mind, "Hoseok's going to be really happy."


baby yoonseok makes me emo.........

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