enemy lines

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as selena walked nick to her class nick said "well thanks selena maybe see at lunch" selena says back "sure i would love that and my friends will love to meet you" nick smiles as selena smiles back/selena knew he was the one as the 2nd period rang miley got out selena went in and nick was in the 3rd period as selena went in to her class miley started walking up to nick saying "hi" nick says back "hi i'm nick" miley says " cool name my name is miley" nick started to giggle as if he thought miley was the one he also thought selena was the one miley says " so wanna hang out after school?" nick says back " sure maybe more like tonight " miley says back " sure and why tonight" miley thought that they were gonna kiss under the moonlight/ nick replies back saying" cause i have alot of homework " miley says " i understand homework ruins time place even test" nick says "okay then pick you up at 8:30 is that good" miley says" fine with me" as the 2nd period ended nick wen't to class selena came walking out selena can see miley giggling

Miley says "GUESS WHAT" selena says" yeah what's up" miley says" i got a date with that new guy nick" selena says "WHAT YOU JUST MET HIM" miley says"well i really like him" selena says "Well i really like him too " miley says" not this time " as she walks away/ selena knew she had to make miley not show up for  her date with nick and miley also knew that her parents are never ever gonna let her go out when  she has to study for a test *LATER THAT NIGHT*

selena knew where they were going the time so she locked her windows and knocked on miley door Mrs cyrus says "are you here for miley" selena " no for you come on out" mom " okay "selena "don't even tell miley what were talking about and that i'm here" mom" okay "selena "she's planning to sneak out and go on a date with a big test" mom"WHAT with who" selena" the knew guy that she only talked to for like 6 secs" mom "so how do we stop her" selena" well make sure she is down stairs before 8:30 and don't let her leave your sight till about 11:00" mom"okay i'll do it" *LATER THAT NIGHT* mom calls miley at 8:28 and says "sit down " miley says " i was gonna go to sleep mom" mom " what's under the rob" miley "my pajamas " mom then " take the rob off" miley " i don't feel like it " mom" then sit down and i'll say when you can get up" miley "WHAT"

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