no1: the big news

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I was running down the stairs in a hurry to get to my school. Naylie academy. The recent one im at now. "Now slow down M, don't rush yourself. Go back up to bed" I've never been so disappointed to hear those words. "But mum I'm going to be late, it's the day I'm going to finally tell Leo my true feelings". My heart started to break then. "Oh M, Leos coming over later with his mother and father. Go get more beauty sleep. Your father will be back by 6:30pm. You have until 9:30pm to sleep then get ready. Us parents are going to discuss about you two moving to a different school with better education". I was screening in my head *I have (works out the time for ten seconds) 11 hours to get . I've got to go get my stuff ready then I can sleep until dad gets home.* I sqeeled "thank you mum" then ran up the stairs tripping two times. Cursing for both of them but carried on through the pain.

~1 hour later~

I got all my stuff ready for when I wake up. Short red dress, check. Skin coloured tights, check. Red heels, check. Makeup bag layd out on my dresser, check. Hairbrush beside, check. All done now ready to go to bed, so I thought. I walked to my bed when I heard a knock at the door. Its Tina, of course it's he one girl who can stop all this from happening. Don't get me wrong I love my bestie in all but sleep is better. "Hey M, oh sorry did I wake you. I noticed you werent In school so I asked to go to the toilet and then snuck out of school. hows my bestie doing?" "I'm doing fine thank you my mum just told me I had to stay home today". I said and then fake coughed and then sneezed. ",Ok i need to go now or otherwise the school will get worried. Get well soon bestie. Love ya". "love ya two". When she left I fell straight asleep.


My alarm went off and I slammed my hand on it just for my dad to yell up the stairs"OY LAZYBONES, GET YOURSELF UP. YOUR MUMS JUST POPPED TO THE SHOP TO GET SOME SNACKS FOR THE LITTLE GATHERING. SO GET THE HELL UP, GET SHOWERED THEN READY. AFTER COME DOWN HERE AND SPEND SOME TIME WITH ME!" I groaned, looked at the clock then realized what the time was. "THANKS DAD, LOVE YOU". "LOVE YOU TWO M". I got in the shower washed myself and my chestnut brown hair then got dried. I got into my bedroom and drew the curtains. I then turned around and went towards my Chester drawers, pulled out my see through laced pants and a matching bra that wasn't see through. After putting them on i went and dried my hair running my hands through my chestnut silk. Afterwards I went towards my mirror where I ran my hands over my skinny, curved hops. My hair was a mess, my makeup has run and now my pants are even more see through. I huffed and went towards my red dress and held it up. It had a bow on the left hip, other than that it was plain. I put that on then looked at myself in the mirror. Alright so far. I then put on my tights and then my heels. Now I can relax and focus on my hair and makeup. Ok smokey eye effect: check. Foundation: check. Eyeliner on fleek: check. Mascara: check. Contour: check. Now I have to brush my hair


I was finally ready and went downstairs and as soon as my father and mum saw me they were surprised. Then Leo has to walk into the front room. Even he was speechless. I just giggled. "Mia, I didn't know you were like this, your beautiful, just like you always are" Leo flirtatiously stated. "Not bad yourself, nice tux". "Thanks, hey can we talk in the garden, I wanted to tell you it in school today but you weren't in". "Of course Leo". We walked into the garden and sat down under the arch my mum and dad got married. It had a gorgeous white arch with roses weeved around it. Then there were fake petals scattered across the pathway. He layd down under the arch and so did i

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2019 ⏰

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