13 facts

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Hey guys it's me the author and I have been tagged by @AutumnEaves to tell you guys 13 things about myself so here it goes

1) my name is Kiera

2)I have 3 siblings:1 sister and 2 brothers

3)I have love max and harvey (obviously by the video⬆)

4) I'm half German

5) I'm a HUGE shawn mendes fan

6)I listen to music 24/7

7)I'm in 7th grade

8)I'm play trombone in the school band

9)I'm don't have any pets (even though I want a dog)

10)I'm a New Orleans Saints fan

11)my oldest brother is my hero my dad is my second

12) I'm 1 forth British

13)some of my family is or was in the military. My dad is so I'm a military child and I've only lived in one place that is the house I'm currently live in😂😂😂

Well that is 13 facts about me I hope you enjoyed

Now I challenge

This is what I look like:

I know I'm ugly (I probably shattered your screen)

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I know I'm ugly (I probably shattered your screen)

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