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There's a thumping sound and I swear to sweet baby Jesus, if it doesn't stop I am going to kill somebody. Thump. Stop. Thump. Stop. Thump, thump. Stop! I open my eyes and the bright sun is shining directly into them. Quickly closing them again, I finally find the source to the noise; it's my head. Probably from all of the drinking, dancing, and Bonnie, I have a headache. Thinking of Bonnie makes my eyes fly open again and I quickly sit up ignoring my headache.

I'm still inside of the room over the club that Bonnie brought me to. Now that there is light in here, I can identify some of the objects. The entire room is covered in a dingy beige colored wall paper that is obviously peeling off the walls. Last night I assumed this bed was on the floor with no box spring to hold it up but I was mistaken. It is a twin-sized mattress with box spring underneath it and brass railings to hold it up. Then, to complete the look; a thin grey blanket was thrown across it – which I was tucked under right now. Next to the bed, a miniature window that was boarded up was producing light to a few beer bottles on the floor and a circular mirror hangs on the wall across from it. All around the room were random boxes and oddly a clothing rack that held a few black bags that I'm assuming had coats in them. In the far right corner, a small chipped-wood desk was pushed in front of a bigger window that wasn't covered with boards but actually showed a decent view to a park. To my surprise, on the desk, two bare legs were crossed at the feet. Sitting up more, I realized that the feet belonged to Bonnie.

She had put her dress back on but, her shoes were on the floor next to her leaning against the wooden chair that she sat in. She had tied her hair up into a messy bun and was now taking a bite from a piece of toast while rummaging through my wallet. She had actually had a few items laid out on the desk already; my phone, a coffee, a plate that held her toast, a picture of Shelly, a few hair pins, and the hand bag that she had the night before.

I sit up more in an attempt to get her attention but it simply made my head throb worse. Although, in my attempt, the bed springs do creak which makes Bonnie quickly look my way.

"Shit!" She quickly scrambles from the desk, grabbing her things. "Why are you awake?" She asks while collecting the things she needs.

Due to my throat being very dry, I croak out the first thing that comes to mind, "You drugged me last night."

She pauses for a second and looks at me. I notice she has taken all of her makeup off and now she actually looks like a teenager that has been playing in her mother's clothing. "Yeah, sorry about that. I honestly didn't think you'd resurface this early." The last part was kind of whispered out which makes me believe I wasn't supposed to hear it.

Her lack of care towards that fact that I was drugged last night makes me angry and honestly afraid to be around this girl. Only the Lord knows what she did to me last night. "What is wrong with you? Do you do this to men often?! What did you give me last night?"

Completely ignoring my questions, Bonnie heads to the door but stops midway and turns to me. "Um, Last night was fun. You were great in bed. You might feel a little dizzy so don't get up so fast and your friend is passed out in the parking lot." She rushes through and then leaves. Those words actually sounded mechanical, as if she had rehearsed them before or had experience this many times to the point where those words were natural to say.

I sit in shock for a moment before deciding to move from my position. My legs felt numb when I swung them over the bed but I quickly recovered and grabbed my clothes to get dressed plus my stray items that bonnie left on the desk; my phone and my now empty wallet. Once I was back to normal – as normal as I get – I head over to the mirror in the messy room and look over my face.

I look rough and messy. My hair is bushy and there are dark circles under my eyes. My throat feels terribly dry and I can't help but feel the banging still in my head. But with all the energy that I can produce, I head back down the stairs that I were forced up last night and through the club that was now empty. There was one worker at the bar having a drink himself. He looks at me and frowns but I simply give him a head nod then truck out of the door. Once I was out, I hear a familiar groan and glance over to see Drew spread out on the ground.

Reaching down, I shake him, "C'mon man. We're leaving."

Drew groans again and attempts to open his eyes but I assume his hangover is too strong for that.

"Come on, Drew!" I tug his leg this time.

"Alright! I'm getting up!" He yells at me then rolls over to get up. "This hangover is killing me." It takes him all over two minutes to finally get up and be stable. On his way up he grumbles something about not getting laid.

"A hobo raped you." I say with a straight face.

"What?" He says a voice a few pitches higher than his normal voice.

"When I came out, he was caressing your face." I try with all my might not to laugh at his expression.

"Oh my, God! Oh my- man!" He cries out and he actually starts to cry. This is when I realized he may still be slightly drunk.

And I lose it. I start to laugh right in his face. "Don't feel bad, man, I was drugged and seduced last night."

"By a hobo?"

I laugh again. "No, Drew. By Bonnie."

"How did that happen?" He asks after wiping the few tears that leaked from his face.

"I don't know. One moment I'm about to get some and the next...I wake up to a raped friend and an empty wallet." A give a weak chuckle.

I hear Drew sniffle, "Can we go home now? I need to cleanse myself."

"Yeah, man," I laugh. "We can go home." 

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