Chapter 1, Everything goes away

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        It hadn't taken me long to realize I was the only one. The only one to see it. The one who can look out those small windows out into the plastered fields of snow, frost, and dew, and see something more than danger and pain, but see the beauty. When I told my mentor he only whacked me over the head with a look of disgust burrowed on his face. My mother had the same reaction, but instead of a hit she just wrinkled her nose at me, giving me a brief lecture on how she couldn't stand the way I fondled over something so deadly, only to have me point out that when she saw pictures of predators from before the world froze over, she called them beautiful, and I snapped how they were deadly as well. Her snarl of disgust only echoed in my mind, as I tilted my head back to the swarms of snow piling down this morning. 

   As I had mentioned, I had a mentor. Every child is required to have a mentor until age 16, and me being 15 I was close enough to taste the thought of getting my nagging mentor Eren, off my back. Every time I had something to say, he just scowled at me. Oh yes, my apologies, I forgot to tell you my name! I'm Alphidine Winters. Yes, I know "winters" Haha, what a coincidence right? Trust Me I've gotten the comment on my last name so many times I'm way more than over it. I mostly go by Alphi, though my Mentor thinks it's childish and just calls me by my full name. It racked on my nerves entirely sometimes, but I learned to deal with it over the years. To be honest, Eren could be a serious let down. He was 32 with a kind looking face and a nice posture, but on the inside he was colder than a rock. And trust me, rocks outside are colder than anything you'd ever imagine. The workers go outside for a brief second every once in a while in insulated suits to gather some stuff from the outside, but the suits couldn't withstand the weather any where over 5 minutes. That should be enough to tell you that the weather is extremely intense. Over the years we've sent people into space to find somewhere else, but not one astronaut has come back from the journey. One of them was my father. Right before I turned 6 in 2354, he went to space, and even now in 2363 neither him or his crew have returned. I try not remember the greif my me and my mother went through, and that's my first guess as to why my mom is so salty nowadays. 

We were at the windows again today, Eren had taken me here to study the outside once more before I did the assessments test in a couple weeks or so. "So what's causing humans not being able to breath air outside the domes," Eren's voice coughed hoarsely behind me. "Excuse me? These are my ASSESSMENTS! Don't give me kindergarten questions I'm not an idiot," I scoffed rudely. "Alphidine, answer the question," His voice was pushy, and easily beat my attempt to stand up for myself. "Because the plants are all DEAD due to frost, therefore the planet can no longer support to create it's own oxygen. You happy?" He nodded approvingly, before throwing me more questions, gaining the same snobby reply each time. "We should stop working on this and work on manners if your going to be so unpleasant," He grumbled disapprovingly. Sticking my tongue out, I looked back out the window beside me, admiring the cold frost highlighting against the faint sunlight. "Gosh I wish I could go out there.." I whispered, not realizing how close Eren was to me. Letting out a scowl, his voice raised. "Are you mad?" He growled as I got up from my seat. "No, I've just got a conscience, and this thing called curiosity, you should learn the definition sometime!" I hissed back at him. I was taken my surprised as his hands reached for my shoulders, shoving me backwards. My mind racing, I reached behind me trying to catch my balance, My hand peeling back to find the wall, instead I felt a different surface, pain peeling through my veins as I could feel a crack whistle against the surface, frost shearing my hand as I breached it back to my side, a small whimper of pain tear through my as my hand pulsed a blue color, my eyes widening as I screeched around to see a crack clawing down the window pane. As a child everyone was told never to touch the windows, since the frost generated there and the feeling could be as extreme as if you were really outside. I could feel a sting pulse at my hand, but I didn't feel like I was going to die, letting my heartbeat slow down I let out an exhale, before burning my eyes on Eren as he studied the crack. "You idiot!" I said, pointing at the window. I watched as he ignored me, calling over maintenance in a hurry, also calling over a nurse. "I'm fine" I hissed as I heard his request for a doctor. "Shut up!" He whispered at me rudely. "And I'm the one who needs to learn manners." I whispered under my breath, my mind racing. 'Did I break the window that badly?' 'Are the police going to scold me' Sighing, I shook my head with a cold expression. I normally wouldn't be so snappy towards a person, but Eren always had a way of pushing at me where I hated it most. He always scolded my opinions, and that got me frustrated real quick, so I just did the same to him, and that created a relationship of hatred, but being so far in his mentoring with me, I had no way of being to switch out for a new one. As the nurse arrived, the lady gasped as her eyes glued to my hand. "It's not even that ba-" I cut off my own words to look down and see blue, and a painful red stream over my hand, reaching u[p to my elbow in a stinging manner. Now that I realized it I could feel pain push through my body. "Darling how did this happen?" Though her words seemed sweet, her voice tensed with annoyance. Giving Eren a glare, I couldn't help but see a spark of fear in his eyes, and I noticed how if this became a serious injury, Eren could be put in lots of pressure under the law. Giving a small sigh, I looked back up at her. "I'm clumsy. I got up out of my chair after studying and feel and used the window as something to prop me up, until I realized it was... Well.. the window.." I gave a weak smile to Eren as relief clouded is gaze like a waterfall. 

The nurse noted that quickly before her eyes clouded up as well, but with fear. "We need to get you to the hospital right away. The frost looks like it has reached your veins.." Pulling my arm I was pulling into a car as we drove to the other side of the dome was, which took about 10 minutes, before I was yanked out of the car and pulled into a small white building, the emergency room. "Oh-no.." I shifted as I whispered the words to myself, closing my eyes as I was slammed onto a hospital bed and doctors crowded around me frantically. I didn't feel as if the injury was that bad,  but they seemed to think otherwise. And those were the last things I though it my mind before everything blacked out like dark paint being poured over my eyes. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2016 ⏰

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