Chapter 2: The Most Slytherin Way Possible

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It had been two weeks, and Scorpius had come out to the entire school in the most Slytherin way possible: sneaking into the Kitchens and spelling all the cakes rainbow, frosting on the words "Scorpius Malfoy is bisexual." He was quite nervous in the beginning. He wasn't really worried about what the other students would say, but more of what his parents would think. In the end, that didn't stop him. Scorp really could've been in Gryffindor.

After his cake escapade and back in the common room with Al, Scorp planted the seeds for the argument of the week week: the "Al, This Is Your Chance to Come Out, Too" arguement.

"Scorp, you can't be serious!" Al whined through a mouthful of toast and jam, four days later at breakfast. Trying and failing to shut down the discussion for like the millionth time this week. The blonde boy next to him just smirked and finished his pumpkin juice.

"Oh, but I am." he said, also for the millionth time this week.

"Please, Scorp!" Al gave him the Potter Puppy Face, looking up at his friend from under his thick bangs and widening his green eyes.

"Stop it, Al. You know that doesn't work on me." Scorpius' grey eyes were laughing.

"Fine." Al gave the Potter Pouty Face a go. Scorp's eye roll was extravagant, his irises almost completely hidden under his lids.

"I'm serious, Al-"

"No, I'm Sirius." James cut in, stuffing his pockets with the last of the Slytherins' chocolate chip muffins and giving them a shit-eating grin.

"For the last time, James, that's not funny. And you Gryffindors have your own muffins!" Al tried to give him a push, but James darted quickly away, an impressive feat for someone balancing fifteen muffins. Then again, he was the best Quidditch player Hogwarts had seen since their dad. (Not that Al would ever admit that to his face.)

"But I agree with Scorp, Al," James yelled over his shoulder, running into a pretty fourth year, "you should come out!"

Time seemed to slow down as the usual Great Hall chatter ceased, and everyone turned to look at them. Albus swore he saw his life flash before his eyes. Then he reasoned, oh, this is a nightmare. He started frantically pinching himself. When he didn't miraculously wake up, it dawned on him. James had just outed him in front of the entire bloody school. How did James even know in the first place?

Well, fuck. Albus burst into flames and died on the spot.

 Albus burst into flames and died on the spot

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