Ty grabs her clothes (Image above) and goes to the bathroom to shower. She plays her favorite playlist and the song remember you by G-Eazy and Blackbear. While she's in the shower her brother Grayson bangs on the door. "Ty hurry the fuck up." Of course I yell back "fuck off Grayson go fuck your girlfriend." I can't stand my brothers. They're Ethan and Grayson and they're annoying as fuck. Always bringing their girlfriends and their friends here. It's so hard to even focus with them around. God forbid I even sing without them being assholes. I throw my clothes on after I dry off. I walk out and there I am greeted with a tall man who I don't even fucking know who's staring at me "Yes?" I ask being sassy.
"Don't get your panties in a bunch I wasn't staring at you." He snaps back. Okay. So he's an asshole. I shove past him and walk into my room. He follows me. "You're just gonna shove me and not say sorry?" He says. "I don't need to say sorry. I didn't hurt you." I laughed after that. He glares at me and walks away. I finish doing my makeup and hair then I walk downstairs, grab my keys and get into my Black Jeep. As I pull away Grayson cautions me to stop. Of course I stop and look at him like what do you want? He walks over and says " I need a ride, Ethan left me." I roll my eyes and park the car. "Get in." As he gets in I see his friend who I bumped into earlier. "Do I have to give him a ride too?" I roll my eyes as he says " yeah." God damn it. "Get in" I said as he jumps in and slams the door. "Can you not?" All he Does is smirk. I swear to god I'm not going to make it through the first day of school if he doesn't stop. I may just have to kill him and pretend he jumped in front of my car. I get to school and park the Jeep. I lock the doors and walk in. As soon as I walk in guys have their eyes all over me. I'm already feeling uncomfortable. I walk to my first class and sure enough.. He's in there. I told myself again if I have to sit next to him I will kill him with my car. I sit down and the teacher says "line up" and I thought oh my. I'm going to end up by him aren't I? "Ty" the teacher points and I realize I sit in the way back and the teacher won't see me. "Cameron" the man makes his way towards me. I mentality smack my face off the desk. Doesn't help that the desks have two chairs next to each other which means I get to share elbow space with a guy I can't stand. Kill me now. Seriously I'm so mad. He sits down and smirks at me. "Looks like we're gonna be partners for this semester." I face palm myself. "Are you fucking serious?" I have to deal with you outside of class too. The teacher finishes the seating chart and says "Those are your partners you will hang out with them after school and get to know them." I just wanna die at the moment as Cameron grabs my thigh. "Partners sound great" he smirks as he grips my thigh. I don't know whether to move his hand or hit him. I move his hand and he looks at me. "Don't like that?" He says. I don't even know what to say. "I never said that." I spoke. Well then. I don't even know what to do about my problem and my problem actually has a name. Cameron Dallas. I realized he was going to make my life a living hell, but is it bad that I might not care if he does? I was snapped out of my thoughts when Cameron grabbed my thigh again but this time squeezed harder causing me to let out a quiet moan. I quickly coughed to try and cover up that embarrassing moment but Cameron just wanted to make it worse. He slide his hand up higher and I quickly swatted away. I wasn't going to allow this boy to make me cum right here in class. I raised my hand and asked if I could use the restroom. Thank God the teacher let me. I quickly got up and walked quickly to the bathroom. I locked the stall and stood there contemplating if I should even go back into the classroom or ditch and go get high. I finally walked out of the bathroom and out the front doors. I got in my Jeep and ditched. I texted my brother Ethan to grab my stuff and bring it home. I told him I threw up from all of the anxiety so he immediately agreed to doing it. I called up my only friend Chloe and told her to meet me at my place. When I got home I ditched my clothes, put on some bummy ass sweats that have burn holes in them from the nights I cant remember, removed my bra, put on an old tank top that reeked like weed and waited for Chloe. 20 minutes went by and she's still not here. I finally said Fuck It and climbed into the lame ass treehouse that the old house owners made. I pulled my bowl out of my pocket, stuffed some weed in the bowl, light it and got higher than a kite. I was so high I just sat there for a good 2 hours until I heard my brother's car pull up. Apparently I was sitting out there way longer than I thought. "Shit." I mumbled to myself. My brothers thought I quit smoking pot after we moved here. I wouldn't classify myself as a stoner but if someone is gonna let me hit the bowl or bong or whatever they are smoking out of, of course imma hit it too.Grayson's P.O.V
I can smell weed, I guarantee that Ty has something to do with it. She never learns after a party one night she was stoned off her ass and decided to piss an officer off. She went to a Juvenile Detention Center for 6 months. I bet she didn't explain why we had to move from New Jersey to St.Louis did she? Well you see, Ty has always found her way into trouble it never failed. Ty thought it was a great idea to break a girl's jaw because that girl stole her boyfriend at the time. They expelled Ty and Mom moved us down here. Luckily for me, I had friends in St.Louis that I met online. Ty did too. Which wasn't okay because her friends were all stoners and acid freaks. They did drugs and I didn't want Ty apart of that again. I was ripped from my angry thoughts as Ethan looks at me and mumbles " it smells like weed and I know you, me and Cameron didn't smoke and the only one home is Ty," I Mentally face-palmed myself at Ethan being so fucking Stupid. I Mumbled, " No, I thought mom was smoking pot." I rolled my eyes. Our mom is never home. She's either working or trying to drink her pain away after we lost dad when his plane crashed when he deployed for Afghanistan. It hit us hard but it hit Ty the most. You see Ty was adopted to this family, she isn't our real sister. She was a little girl when we got her. Dad was so excited to have her. She Was our dad's whole world. Don't get me wrong Our dad loved us but dad bonded with Ty because he was adopted too, he went through most of the same stuff Ty Did. Our mom on the other hand treated Ty like shit. I secretly think our mom blames her for dad's death which is fucked up because Ty had nothing to do with it. I walked inside the house and sat in Ty's room and waited for her. We needed to talk and If I had to wait I was willing too.