Ty's P.O.V
I waited for what seemed like forever until I thought it was okay to leave the treehouse. I climbed down and walked inside sneaking to my room. As soon as I opened the door it was like an intervention Grayson was on my bed, Ethan was on the chair and Cameron was on the sofa. I had no idea why Cameron was here but he was. I turned on my heel and I heard the words " Would dad be proud of you?" I turned right back around and spat, "Dad is dead, he's not coming back. Quit asking if dad would be proud because we all know the fucking Answer." I grabbed my keys and ran to my Jeep. I rammed the keys in the ignition and started it barely giving it time to warm up. I sped out of the driveway and left. I didn't know where I was going but I knew was the answer was No, dad wouldn't be proud of his lowlife piece of shit daughter. I just wanted to get away, I drove and drove until I could barely see because the tears were blurring my vision. I stopped at a tiny diner and just cried in the parking lot. I couldn't do anything else. I couldn't move I just froze in that position sobbing silently while some of the customers leave the building, laughing and giggling about how they missed each other. I looked around and had no idea where I was but I didn't care. They aren't going to go looking for me. They best they'd do is tell the police I ran away or something and I'd either get shoved back into foster care or back at a juvenile detention center. It didn't matter.. I was a fuck up anyways.. My phone was going off and I just ignored it. I didn't want to talk to anyone or hear anyone's voice but my fathers. A wife and husband walk in hand and hand and I noticed he had a marine corps uniform on. I couldn't help but think of my father. I saw what car they drove and I quickly grabbed a napkin and pen and wrote " dear sir, I know you don't know me but I would like to thank you for serving this country, one day I plan to do just what my father set out to do. Join the marine corps. My father who was on his way to Afghanistan, was killed in a plane crash. The one thing I always remember him saying was " Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think." I know that might not mean that much to you sir, but that Saying has meant the world to me and once again thank you sir for serving our country. I ended the note like that and slid it under their wipe blades. I got back in my Jeep and continued to cry. Writing that note made me think of all the notes I wrote Dad after he died, I kept them all in a shoebox under my bed. I wrote to my father For 3 years after he died. I wrote everyday.. about Anything mostly what I did and how much I miss him. It was an ongoing thing until our mom found them. She was pissed.. I was about 10 when dad died and I quit writing to him when I was 13 because mom told me it didn't matter he wouldn't see them anyways. So I stopped. Just like that. You know everyone says I'm innocent but that's just because I'm quiet. I've always been somewhat mute. I didn't care to say much but when I did. I usually Fuck Shit Up. I didn't care anymore about me or where my life was headed. I just didn't care. About An Hour or so the couple walks back out and I noticed that when he picked the letter up, he read it to himself then to her and he folded it neatly and placed it in his uniform. I placed my address on the backside of the note. I don't really know if he saw that but maybe he did. It Was getting dark and I knew my brothers probably already called the cops on me like they do every time. But I didn't care I sat in the diner's parking lot until the man who owns it locks the door after turning the lights out. He noticed my car and walked right up to it knocking on the glass window breaking Me from my sobbing session. I look up just enough to see his hands covered in tattoos that lead up his muscled arms. I couldn't help but stare until he tapped again and I Opened my door to get a good look at this man. His tall built figure hovering over the car. Tattoos running all over his exposed arms. He was beautiful. I didn't even look up at him but he said in a low voice," What's a pretty girl like you sitting in a car alone in the worse part of town in the middle of the night." I looked up fully for the first time to see his face. Man he was beautiful, the way his hair just lightly hung in his face, the tattoos that crawl up his neck. That perfect smile. We made eye contact and I finally saw his eyes, they had darkness to them, but they still were so pretty. I couldn't contain myself. My cheeks were tear-stained, my hair was in the rattiest bun, my tank top hung low but with my small breasts I had I didn't worry about it too much all I worried about was the fact I didn't have a bra on and I know I reek like pot. I finally gathered my words and spoke, "I ran away to try and clear my mind." My voice cracking due to me crying. He held his hand out and told me to come Here. I didn't even know him but I trusted him. I grabbed his hand and he lead me into the diner. "Isn't It closed?" I stuttered out. He didn't hear me. I tried to say it louder but I couldn't. He took his hoodie off of the rack, " I accidentally left this here so it's okay." He handed me the hoodie and I smelled was his cologne. He smelled so good. I quickly put the hoodie on to cover my harden nipples due to the fact it was raining outside and I was soaked. He walked over to me and looked down at me flashing his smile. "It Looks Better on You Than Me." He chuckled. I blushed lightly but then gathered myself. " I probably should get going," I go to remove the hoodie and he grabs my hands pinning them to his chest. "It's storming out and I'm not going to allow you to drive in these conditions." His dominance turned me on. I couldn't help but feel myself get a little wet from that. I shake myself from my thoughts and smile lightly. "But my brothers are probably worried." He handed me his cell phone and I punched our home phone in and waited for an answer. "Hello." Grayson says with a worried tone. "It's Ty, and before you flip. I'm safe but stuck in a diner. Whatever happens I'm fine." And with that I hung up. The man looks at me with a confused look. "What?" I snapped. He pulled me up and pinned me against the wall. "Don't snap at me." He snaps back at me. Part of me wants him now. The dominance is too much. I Squirm out of his arms but before I tried to make a break he used his body to pin me again. I couldn't handle this. He grinds against me once making me let out a moan and then lets me go turning away from me. "Sorry." He mumbled. He did not just do that. You can't just do that! I grab ahold of his arm and he turns back around. "You can't just do that!" He chuckles lightly then gets close to me backing me into the wall. He leans down close to my ear and says "Daddy can do whatever he wants." And with those words I knew I wanted him. I wanted his toned body on mine. His lips all over me. He snapped me out of my thoughts by chuckling softly. " what's so funny." I snapped at him. His eyes quickly looked at me and I knew I was fucked. He grabbed me by my throat lightly squeezing, "remember what Daddy said?" He bent down and nudged his knee between my legs. I looked at him, his hand still on my throat. I moaned when his knee finally hit my core. Fuck he has to do something now. I squirmed in his touch and all he did was stop. He removed his hand and his knee and walked away. I slid to the floor and just sat there not knowing what to do. I waited and waited. The diner started getting hot so I removed his hoodie not caring about my nipples at this moment. He came back and smirked at me when he noticed my breasts were almost showing again. He sat down next to me. "The storm is supposed to die down Wednesday. I looked at my phone. It's only Monday. "I don't have any clothes besides the ones in my car. He put his finger up Like hold on, grabs my keys and runs outside. Moments later the dripping wet man walks in with my bag and drops it down. "Well I guess I'm going to have to change." I looked at him with a puzzling look. "There's an apartment above this diner." He states. He takes his shirt off showing his muscles and toned ass chest. Fuck Fuck Fuck. I quickly hide my face and I hear him chuckle. "Come on lets go and get into warmer clothes." I look at him but I didn't move. He walks over to me, picks me up and throws me over his shoulders. I slapped his back hard wanting him to put me down. All he did was spank me harder. I moaned loudly when he spanked me. He sets me down and chuckles. "Geez you moan that loud with just spanking, if I was fucking You then you'd be screaming." I blushed at his comment and looked around his apartment. It Was small but not too small. I noticed he had a collar on the couch. "Do you have a Dog?" He chuckled loudly and handed me the collar. It said "Princess." I looked at him and spoke "You're one of those who are into that DDLG stuff Aren't You!" He looked at me puzzled and then laughed. "Maybe I am Sweetheart."He Said in a serious tone. Mmm I thought. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into the hallway. "I am into this," he opens a door and the room is just a bed and on the walls are whips and other dirty stuff. I swallowed hard. He pulled me in the room and all I was thinking was how much I want him to do this to me. I saw a box and I walked over to it. Him following close behind. I open the box just for it to be shut again. "That's Daddy's box, only He opens It." I look up at him and he lightly grabs my arm pulling me away. I whimper softly and he immediately stops grabbing me and picking me up. "I'm Sorry kitten, I didn't mean to hurt you." I blushed at being called Kitten. I wrapped my legs around his body and hugged him. "I don't even know your name." I mumbled into his neck. "Jack, But you call me daddy." He Stated. He took me into a different room and it was all neutral colors white, black, and grey. I wasn't interested in this room. There was two more doors and the one said princess on it. I squirmed in his arms and pointed to the other door. He looked at me and then walked to the door. He opened the door and all I saw were colors everywhere. The bed was big and the comforter was tie-dye. I loved it. I slid out of his arms to look around. It was an awesome room, so much Tie-Dye. I looked at him and asked, "Who's room is this?" He looked at me and stated, "guest room." I looked at him puzzled and then tugged on his hand. "I'm Hungry." He chuckled and walked me into the kitchen and pulled the chair out. I sat down and waited for what seemed like ever. "Hurry up, jack!" I mumbled Kinda Loud. His eyes snapped at me and he walked close to me. "What did you just call me?" He growled in my ear. "Jack." I said proudly. I didn't care. He doesn't scare me. He grabbed ahold of my tank top lifting me up from it then carries me back to his "naughty room" I gasped quietly and He put me on the bed. "Sweetheart, Daddy doesn't play nice." I was wet and I knew that he knew. He cuffed my hands above my head and slid his hand down my body slapping my breasts roughly causing me to moan. He smirked at that and pulled my sweats down along with the skimpy underwear I chose to wear. He took them off and then cuffed my ankles to the bed. I barely know this guy but I'm just gonna let it happen because I'm so horny. He gets in his box and pulls a viberator out and places it on my Clit. Walks out of the room closing the door.Jack's P.O.V
I just met her.. I can't believe I'm doing this. Is it wrong? I go to the kitchen and finish making food, while I'm cooking I Can her moans and it's so fucking Hot. I Can't Do This. We just met Though. She probably won't come back. After the storm it will be all over. I shake myself out of my thoughts and sit down at the table to eat. I Put hers in the microwave so it won't get cold while she's getting punished. I can hear her moaning and it's turning me on. I have the remote to the viberator. I turned it on High and I can now hear her Screaming and I can't help but get hard. My member is so hard and I need Her. I finish eating and I head upstairs. I turned the viberator off and I can hear her breathing heavily. I walk in and she's arching her back, legs shaking, sweat dripping down her face. I removed the viberator and uncuffed her. She immediately grabbed ahold of me pulling me on her. "I'm Sorry daddy." She squeaks Out. I grab ahold of her flipping us so she's on top. "Daddy Forgives You." She holds on to Me and whimpers "daddy I Need To Cum." She says to me. I look at her. Why didn't she cum? I Never Said she couldn't. I slid my hand down her back and she rolls next to me. I slid between her legs and slid my fingers in her. I can tell she's not a virgin but she is really tight. I curled my fingers up and she started arching her back, moaning loudly. "D-Daddy." I moved my hands faster and she instantly cums. She lays there looking at me. I'm pretty sure I just gave her the first orgasm she's ever had.Ty's P.O.V.
Fuck I can't believe I came. I covered my face not wanting him to see me. I was embarrassed for some reason and I didn't want him to know. His hands slid up my calves to my thighs, over my hips, up my chest, across my breasts, and under my arms pulling them away from my face. I whimpered not wanting him to see my face. His lips traveled up my neck to my jaw, then my cheek to my lips. Where he kissed me with all the passion in the world. The sparks flew everywhere. I didn't want to lose him, I barely know him but I Don't Want To lose him. I wrapped my legs around his waist pulling down on me. I can feel his harden cock on me. I smirked when the perfect idea came. I slid out from underneath him and pulled his pants off along with his boxers and he took his shirt off. I removed the only thing I had left, my old tank top. I slowly kissed along his body kissing his chest to his neck and that's when I cuffed his hands. "No." He said. I replied with "payback is a bitch." I dug through his box and found a Cock ring. I placed it on him and turned it on. "Have fun daddy." I left the room just like that. I went downstairs and got the food out of the microwave and munched on it. I can hear him groaning upstairs. This was fun. I thought it was fun to hear him groan. I finished my food and walked upstairs to find Jack a Moaning mess, sweating, squirming around. I chuckled at the sight of him. "Please Ty, please. I need to cum." He called me by my name. I walked over to him and sat on his chest. Mmm. "Daddy should I,". He thrusts his hips up and I removed the Cock ring and replaced it with my Mouth sucking faster while my pussy is in his face. He grabs my ass And pulls it to It mouth licking up my juices. I felt his Cock twitch and I swallowed his Cum. He looked at me in shock. "What Daddy?" He blushes deeply. "You. I didn't expect you to do that." I blushed deeply and slapped his chest "oh Hush." I uncuffed him and he pulled me down on him. We laid there for a while and then he carried my naked body to his room and lays me on the bed cuddling up by me. We fell asleep like that.