Moving Time

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I look out the window for the millionth time and all I see are trees splattered with different colors, ranging from yellow to orange to brown to red. The whole way to our new house was that view from my grandparents' car. I was actually excited about moving, although I did like our old town. It's just that it was a town mostly made up of shriveled raisins better known as old people. Don't tell my grandma I said that though, she'd twist my ear for saying that about her people's generation. But yeah in our old town there wasn't much for a kid like me to do since I didn't have friends unless you counted lil ol' Mr. Gregory from next door who I went to play checkers with every Sunday. There were no young families what so ever to the point where I was home schooled since the high school had shut down in the 1950's. And so if you were in my place you'd be super duper excited to be moving to a place where most people weren't taking their last breath. However I am quite nervous about going to school since I haven't been to a real school in a very long time. I had gone to an elementary school in the town before the last one where Grandpa had a project there for about 5 years but I don't remember much of it. "Hey Nana," I say, " how much longer till we get to Charleston?" She turns from the front seat to look at me and replies, " half an hour tops Anna. But in the mean time why don't you eat the green apple in your bag hm? You must be hungry sweetie." "Oh yeah, forgot about that." Nana smiles at me and turns around to continue humming to the radio with grandpa who's driving. And so I eat my green apple while listening to Of Monsters And Men on my phone and look out the car window one more time savoring the tangy sour taste of the apple.


Half an hour later like Nana promised we arrive at Charleston and finally our house which looked awesome. There were trees and a backyard and gravel and a chimney which made it look super homey which I loved. I make my way out of the car to the moving can that was waiting for us to arrive so we could unload our stuff. I could hear the leaves crunching beneath my converse as I took boxes out of the van to put on the front porch while Nana and Grandpa told the moving guys where to put the furniture and all that. I loved that sound. After I finish putting the boxes on the front porch I unlock the front door and enter for the first time. To say that the house is beautiful would be an understatement, even without furniture. The many windows brought in so much light that I was near blinded but with the house looking so angelic I couldn't care less about that. And the floors were a bright mahogany color which were so smooth that I kept slipping even though I had my converse on. However i went on further inside the house and noticed that on my right hand side there was a sliding door along a never ending wall that led to the kitchen while on my left hand side there was a fire place and a window with a window seat and I can tell you that my butt will have the pleasure of getting to know the window seat very well as that is definitely where I'll be sitting most days reading my books. And as I walked further there were wooden stairs that led to the bedrooms I presumed where I would be spending 75% percent of my life...the other 25% is on the window seat downstairs. I climb up the stairs letting my hand trail on the wooden handle enjoying the smoothness of the wood beneath my hand. On my left hand there's a huge window lighting the whole hall with the sun's warm rays. I enter the first room which I could tell was the master bedroom right away by the queen size bed and the luxurious couch next to a balcony. Nana and Grandpa will definitely love the spaciousness of the room. I exist and head towards the next room, and suddenly I hold my breath. "Dear Lordy Lord." I breath out loud. The room was a dream come true. The ceiling was created to look like an attic's ceiling while there was a bathroom, a walk in closet and a beautiful beautiful window with a glorious view of an apple tree and a..boy? I step closer to the window and notice that behind some branches of the apple tree there's a boy...AND WOAH THERE ARE TWO GIRLS IN HIS BED ATTACHING THEIR TALKING BITS TO EACH OTHER WHILE HE TOUCHES THEIR NO NO PARTS. I squeal loudly and they all turn to look at me as I had opened the window. Before anything else happens I duck to the floor and stay there for about a good five minutes curled into a ball ignoring what the boy was saying to the girls in room parallel to mine. "Oh what have my good eyes done to deserve seeing such a thing?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2014 ⏰

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