Chapter Four

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Beth's POV

Oh god. After all the good news we should have expected some bad news, at least I did, but I didn't expect this much bad news. Molly was completely right when she described the news as bad and worse. As I made my little speech about Lav, I promised myself as well to be a rock, strong and steady. I cried anyway. Lily and I cried for a while in her room until we quieted down after some time and just sat there, staring at the floor. Her and I were probably the closest to Lav, especially in middle school and high school.

When we heard footsteps down the hall, we instantly put on poker faces, that would greet Lily's mom, who came by, looking for us. We came out of our sorrow state and I went back to the party, and when I found Damion I told him I was going to bike home, being that it wasn't too far.

He looked at me, concerned, but he knew that it would be better to leave me alone at the moment, that I needed to cool down a little. He kissed me on the cheek, and I got on my bike.

Instead of going home, I went to my old dance studio. The owner, my former teacher had given me access to it, even after all these years. I walked in, no one was there. I put on the music, took off my shoes, stretched out, and closed my eyes as tears started coming out again.

I emptied my head. I danced my heart out.


Eva's POV

After hearing about Lavender from Molly, we all separated. I mean, Lav was the one who pretty much weaved us together, otherwise, we wouldn't really talk much to each other, even back when we were in middle school. Anyway, after Molly told us the news I went over to my boyfriend, Jacob (A/N happy Molly? (: ) who immediately knew something was wrong. I told him what Molly told us and he took my hand, making me immediately feel relieved.

"Crap. I freaking hate the feeling of when I'm close to crying."

"I know." Jacob replied, with a soft and pitying smile. I smiled back, thankful for his sweetness and told him I was heading home. There was no need to stay at the party any longer, I was going to only stay for an hour anyway. I walked across the street, opened the door, and was welcomed by my dog, Nutella. I went up to my old bedroom and climbed out my window with my old beach towel, onto the roof, turned on my iPod, playing the song, Young Volcanoes by Fall Out Boy, and brought my knees to my chest and thought. Just like the old days.


Lily's POV

After Beth left, I just blinked. Stayed still, I don't even know. Lav was my best friend since elementary school. It was already hard enough to move away from her and the rest of the girls, now, she's soon going to be whisked away by the gentle hand of death, leaving the rest of us behind with the rough hand of sorrow. I didn't want to go back to the party, but I had to. I mean, I am the one who set it up, I even talked to our neighbors about using their basketball hoops, even though there has been a "little" feud between their family and ours for years. I couldn't leave now.

I yelled at the ceiling.

I hate thinking so negatively. focusing on the good, that's been my life forever. Now though, I can't avoid this problem.

Well now I guess you should, for now. I mean, everyone else is, aren't they?

I agreed with myself. I out on my there's-not-a-care-in-the-world face and walked out my bedroom door, out my front door to see the block party. There were young kids making a four square court out a stub of chalk, and I smiled, remembering. Eva running inside her house getting chalk, always being childish, three day sleep over's with Lav, watching videos with Sammie, always asking Molly about random things, playing Dance Moms with Beth, Middle School.


Sammie's POV

I stared at the screen, tears streaming down my face. God I hate Skype. That's all I could think about. I wiped my face.

God I hate Skype.

God I hate Skype.

That's all.

The call ended at some point. Even my laptop was locked. I was still staring at the blank screen though. My feelings and thoughts were like London's weather, dark and gloomy. Lavandar was like my psychological twin, we both liked, no loved, the same things. Doctor Who, Ed Sheeran, Les Miserable-- and that's just things that have to do with media. Life just wouldn't be the same without her.

I needed to focus on something else, take away the pain a little. I looked around my little apartment, no sorry, Flat, as they say where I now live. I had my box of pictures on the floor opened as I was still unpacking. Pictures like: my mom and I, at my high school graduation, my youtube friends, Dan and Phil, with me at VidCon, and so many other pictures that just couldn't be left on the computer. Especially the one that was taken by Eva's boyfriend in May. In it, was all six of us jumping off the boardwalk, onto the sand. It took us at least 17 times to actually take that picture. That was the last time we were all with each other.

Absentmindedly, I set up my camera and tweeted, "Making a live video right now." I hooked everything up, closed my eyes for a few seconds, thinking about my friends back in America, and opened them, clicking the record button.

"What's up fellow humans on the internet!"

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