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~mama called me destructive. said it'd ruin me one day~

"So he's being super nice, everything is going really well, but then he orders for me," Angela says before taking another sip of her beer. She laughed when the girls she's with groan.

    "Gosh, I hate when they do that." A woman named Brenda sighs. The group agreed and Angela smiled to herself. She had been surprised when Brenda and a few of her co-workers invited her out for drinks after work, but decided to join them anyway.

    "I ordered lunch for my girlfriend one time. She didn't talk to me till the meal came, took one bite out of it, then sent it back to the kitchen. She then ordered what she actually wanted and made me pay for both meals," the bartender piped in. They all laughed.

    "I should've done that," Angela mumbled, drinking more of her beer.

    "It's okay Angie, we've all been there," Brenda comforted her, while the other girls nodded solemnly.

    "Angie?" She questioned.

    "Oh, yeah. I have a bad habit of nick-naming people. Sorry does it bother you?"

    "Not at all. I actually like it." Angela hadn't hung out with friend like this in forever. She couldn't stop smiling and laughing.

    "Another round ladies?" The bartender asked. Before Angela could answer her phone rang.


    "Where are you?"

    "Jasper is that you? Hold on, it's really loud here let me move to a quieter spot." She excused herself from the group then moved outside. "Okay, what did you say?"

    "I said, where are you?"

    "Oh, a bar with a few girls from work. Why?"

    "Why didn't you tell me you were going out tonight?"

    "I'm sorry? Jasper have you been drinking you sound funny."

    "You're the one at the bar Angela. A bar you went to without telling me first."

    "Look, I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but it was kind of a spontaneous thing."

    "I takes two minutes to send a text." There was silence on the line.

    "Jasper I'm not sure what happened, or why you're acting like this, but when you're ready to talk I'll be ready to listen. Until then I'm going to enjoy my night with my friends, and I suggest you reevaluate the way you just spoke to me. Have a good night Jasper." Angela hung up the phone and walked back inside the bar.

    "Everything okay Angie?" Brenda asked sensing Angela's mood change.

    "Yeah." She faked a smiled and turned towards the bartender. "You said something about another round?"
Angela's boots felt heavy on her feet and she walked into her apartment. She was tired, and worried about Jasper. All she wanted to do was call him, but Angela knew that she had to wait for him. Turns out she wasn't going to be kept waiting long.

"You hung up on me." Angela screamed when she noticed Jasper sitting on her couch.

"What the hell Jasper!" She yelled at him. "How did you get in here?"

"You hung up on me." He repeated.

"Jasper, how did you get in here?" Angela's heart was racing. She knew something was off. Jasper stood up from the couch and Angela atomically took a step back.

"I was already having a bad day, and then my girlfriend goes to a bar without me, and then hangs up on me." His voice was too calm for what he was saying. His hair was a mess, and the closer she looked Angela could see the bags under his eyes. Something was definitely wrong.

"What happened today," was her only response.

"Maybe if you didn't hang up on me, I would have had the chance to tell you."

"I hung up on you because of the way you were talking to me!" She yelled at him.

"Don't raise you voice at me Angela," he whispered.

"Then talk to me! Let me help you!" She was desperate for answers for his behavior.

"Fine." He sat back down on the couch. "You want to know what happened? My best friend's house burned down today. They have two kids, and no idea what to do." Angela just stared at him. "I needed you today, but when I call you're at a bar."

"Jasper it's horrible what happened to your friend, but.."

"No Angela!" Jasper yelled causing her to flinch. "There are no 'buts.' You do not get to stand there and lecture me. I needed you today and you weren't there. I needed you, and you hung up on me." Angela was in shock.

Is he blaming this on me?

"I don't know what you want me to say Jasper." She whispered.

"There's nothing you can say." He stood up and started to head towards the door. "See you at work Angela." Jasper walked out slamming the door on his way. Angela stood still, not knowing how to react, but she couldn't stop the tear that rolled down her cheek.

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