✩✩Had a nice trip✩✩

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"Justin where is my makeup bag?"i yelled at Justin from upstairs.

"I don't know y/n you don't need that shit anyway"he yell back

I walk down the stairs groaning.

Before I know it I tripped down the stairs

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Before I know it I tripped down the stairs. I soon hit the cold floor."owww shit"

I see Justin's head peak from the the doorway of our kitchen,laughing his fucking head off. He walked over to me helping me up."had a good trip babe,"he started laughing some more"catch u next fall"he laughed even harder at his dumb ass joke.

I got up looking at him."that's really funny"I start fake laughing with him.

"I'm sorry babe are u alright?"he ask

I fold my arms"I guess"

"Good"he starts laughing again"all I heard was Boom boom boom boom then once you hit the fool their was a big BOOM"

I cross my arms turning around walking upstairs"hope u like sleeping on the fucking couch u idiot"I yell walking into our room.

"I can't help but laugh babe"

This was short I hope u like it. My mom and I where talking today then she all of a sudden trip.so her be was like"had a nice trip,catch you next fall" so I got this off of what happened today.

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