Okay, I was born June 24, 2002 and this is how it happened.
My mother was having really bad contractions, so she walked around the hospital a little to help. When it came to be time to have us (my twin and me), she was in a lot of pain. The epidural still hadn't kicked in. When it finally did, they sliced open her tummy and she got to watch the whole thing in the reflection of a filing cabinet. Gross, I know. I was pulled out first, my umbilical cord wrapped around my neck, with a purple scrunched up fat face. I almost died, and they put me on an air machine. My twin came next, and another one who didn't make it. My fraternal twin would've had an identical twin (yes, it is possible because of the way twins are created in the womb). My dad didn't help deliver us, even though he's a nurse and could've helped, because he was in the hall, talking on the phone with the woman he cheated on my mom with.
So here I am, fourteen years later, NOT purple, living with my three amazing siblings, and my awesome dad. Life's okay now. And I will forever be thankful that my parents divorced because I don't want to be with my mom. I would tell you all, but I can't right now. Maybe some other time.
Courtshire Cat's Bio Boo-k
RandomThis is me, Courtney. Be nice or I will rip of your nipples with rusty pliers.