You almost seem alive

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Vic's POV

Mike left hours ago. It was just Sam and I in her room. She was still asleep and I was still up laying with her. She was having another nightmare so I had stayed with her after Mike left. I would have stayed anyways.

It was morning, and light was just barely starting to filter through the window. I was staring across the room at the mirror above Sam's dresser, wondering why I could see myself in it. I couldn't be seen in pictures, so why did I show up in a mirror? I just laid there starring at myself and asking questions I knew I'd probably never get answers to.

I was so deep in thought that I didn't notice Samia waking up until she flipped over in my arms and let out a gasp. Her eyes went wide and I was probably as surprised as she was. I was always sure to be out of the room when she woke up so I wouldn't make her uncomfortable or something, but this time I was distracted.

"Oh, I uh...s-sorry I'll just, uh, I was just..." I stuttered, transporting out of the bed and standing a good distance away from it. She spun around in the bed to face me, looking curious. I, on the other hand, had never felt more awkward.

"You're still here." She stated calmly. My eyes darted around the room, avoiding her gaze as I nervously tugged the ends of my hair.

"Y-Yeah, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to invade your space; I's just you were having a nightmare a-and I--" I started. I paused when I realized she was shaking her head with a small smile on her face. She pushed the covers back and stood from the mattress.

"No, I mean like you're still here." She emphasized, although I was still unsure. She sighed and rolled her eyes as she came towards me. "You lay with me every night, Vic. You always wake me up when I'm having a nightmare." I bit my lip and lowered my head a little.

"Y-You knew about that?" I asked. "I wake you up?" She nodded with a light laugh

"I'm a light sleeper." She explained.

"Oh." I looked away from her, overly embarrassed that she knew how attached to her I really was. She didn't seem upset at all, but I still felt bad that I had been so close to her without knowing if she was okay with it.

"It's fine, Vic." She said, noticing how uncomfortable I was. I glanced back up to her. "Honestly, I'd rather wake up to a cute boy than an axe murderer who killed everyone I loved." She told me, probably referencing a nightmare that she had had, and laughing again. I let out a breath and shrugged.

"Cute?" I questioned. She rolled her eyes again and shoved my shoulder.

"Adorable." She insisted. I felt myself blushing profusely and dropped my head again, smiling like an idiot. "But anyway." Sam started again, putting on a much more serious tone. "What I meant was: you're still here after talking to Mike last night?" I looked back to her and nodded.

"Uh, yeah, still here. You...heard us?" I asked, growing uncomfortable all over again when remembering what I had said about her. She shrugged.

"Part of it. It woke me up when you two started talking, but I fell back to sleep." I sighed in relief, hoping that meant she hadn't heard us talking about her. "But you talked to him. Doesn't that mean you can move on now?" She asked. I shrugged. I assumed that talking to Mike would fix things--that I'd be able to finally be free after talking to him--the problem was, I didn't feel any different.

"I don't know." I admitted. "Nothing's changed." Samia's expression dropped and she sighed in frustration. She turned and took a few steps away before sitting on the bed.

"Really? Are you sure you're still stuck here?" She asked. I nodded and she groaned as she fell back on the bed in desperation. I walked over and sat next to her, definitely not as upset as she was that it didn't work. That was one thing that hadn't left my mind as long as I've known Samia. Moving on. Did I still want it? Of course I did. It was incredibly painful suffering with the memories of everything that I had gone through. But now more than ever, I was starting to let them go.

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