The Next Morning

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Adrien woke up first. His transformation has worn off during the night and through the haze of sleep he could see Plagg sitting on Marinette's desk talking to her kwami. The pair seemed happy. He smiled a little, and then froze as he felt an arm get draped across his chest. He turned his head around very slowly and saw Marinette there beside him, fast asleep, her hair lying around her head like a halo. His smile grew wider. He slowly got out of the bed, and stretched. He greeted the kwamis and then bent down to kiss the girl's forehead. Her eyes fluttered open at his touch and her face immediately went bright red. She looked down at the ground at said,
"That'll take me a while to get used to."
Adrien chuckled and replied,
"Well, we have forever", prompting Plagg to groan and Tikki to aww. Although Plagg was delighted at the situation, he tried to hide it, leaving Tikki to congratulate the pair.
"Finally! I can't believe it took you both this long! Plagg and I were so frustrated! But, it's ok now, cause you two are together!"
"In more ways than one!", Plagg chimed in.
Marinette and Adrien both blushed as red as Ladybug's suit and Tikki slapped her counterpart, who was quite pleased with himself.
"I'll just go make breakfast, shall I?", offered Adrien, wanting to escape the awkwardness that was clouding the room.
"Good idea, I'll help!", added Marinette, throwing a pointed glance at her kwami which meant, stay here. Tikki nodded and went back to berating Plagg as the pair walked down the stairs to the kitchen. The full weight of the situation had just hit them. Adrien turned to look very intensely at a family picture of Marinette's and muttered,
"First time?"
The girl suddenly noticed something very interesting in the ceiling and while she was investigating it, she murmured,
Silence. Then,
"Me too."
"Well at least that's out there..." Marinette said, causing Adrien to blush. She then walked over to the stove, where she took out a frying pan and set it down with a sense of determination.
Adrien turned to face her and his eyes lit up.
"Yes please; I've never had them; I'm not allowed them at home!"
Marinette paused.
"So you've never made pancakes?"
She walked over to Adrien and pulled him by the arm over to the frying pan, instructing him to watch and learn. She cracked an egg into the bowl and then helped him do the same, standing behind him and wrapping her hands around his. She weighed the flour and he sieved it in. She measured the milk and he put it in the bowl. They made pancakes together, on a quiet Saturday morning, and they were happy. When it came to the flipping however, Adrien excused himself and went upstairs. He didn't come back. But Chat Noir did. He slid down the banister, Tikki following suite, and gave Marinette a wink.
"Why'd you transform kitty?", she asked.
Chat scratched his head, "Well, I thought we'd better finish this as we started it. Me as Chat and you as Marinette. They're both just costumes we wear but they change us, don't they....? Also, Plagg wanted to flip the pancakes but he's too small to hold the pan soooo..."
Marinette laughed and handed Chat the pan, warning him to be careful. She went to set the table, humming to herself as she laid out the knives and forks. She poured two glasses and two thimbles full of orange juice, the latter for Tikki and Plagg. She then went back over to the stove to help Chat out, since he had already lost two pancakes to the floor. He stood behind her this time and pressed up against her, enclosing his fingers in hers. He was happy. The pair flipped some pancakes and then sat down at the table to eat, constantly glancing at each other. Eventually Chat broke the silence and said,
"I love pancakes."
Marinette smiled at him from across the table.
"I knew you would Kitty."
He grinned back at her and slowly licked his lips, while never breaking his eye contact with her.
"You know me so well."
She blushed a little, still flustered whenever he spoke to her like that, and busied herself by finishing off her food. When she was done, she stood up from the table and bent down low to pick up her dishes, locking her eyes onto Chat's again. Tikki was rolling around in the air in silent hysterical laughter at this point and Chat himself was frozen in embarrassment and anticipation. He managed to pull himself together and went over to join Marinette at the sink, where she was washing up. She had just turned around to tease him with a kiss on the cheek when her parents came in through the front door.

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