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Chapter One | Introduction

My name is Danielle Woods. Dani for short. I hate my name. Dani is too tom-girlish and Danielle is too girly.

I have light brown hair and blue eyes. I have pale skin and I'm a little below average size for my age. I'm a vegan. I hate meat in general. And I am against animal abuse and slaughter.

I'm not shy at all and I love anything that has to do with being creative, and I'm in love with taking photos of nature and pretty scenery.

My best friend is Colton Grey. He has dark brown hair and brown eyes. There's too much to say about him. We've only been best friends for a couple months, but we have already shared so many memories and are great to one another.

Then there's also Kyle, he's just practically my brother. He is like a girl best friend, we do everything together...but he's a guy.

I have never really gotten along with girls as much because I just find them weird and annoying. I am a girl, and I'm not sexist or anything! I've just always been able to get along better with guys.

I was in my room one evening, watching Netflix. It was Sunday. I was bored out of my mind and was having a lazy day. There was nothing on the television. So I blasted my old stereo and began to read my favorite book, Defy the Dark. It was mysterious and magical, the kind of stuff I'm into.

I heard a slight knock. I could not hear it very well because of the loud music. My mom walked in. I looked up at her and sighed. I already knew she was about to tell me that dinner is ready, and I didn't really feel like eating. I was in such a weird mood. I was really happy but didn't feel like socializing or doing anything.

I turned off my music and left the room without my mother even saying anything. I sat down and began to eat my salad as my mom grabbed some water out of the refrigerator.

My mom was very shy and never spoke all that often. The total opposite of me.

She sat down across from me and smiled. "You're beautiful," she told me. I saw a tear fall down her cheek. I didn't even thank her...

"Is everything okay?" I said, concerned. "You're father..."

She began, but I interrupted. "Is he okay?" I asked.

My father had been in the Air Force and he was always very far away. He had been away for 7 months.

"He's coming home," she giggled happily. I gasped in excitement and gave my mom a hug from across the table. Best news ever.

Chapter Two | Boys and Girl

It was the next day. At lunch I sat with Colton and Kyle. The lunch at my school was actually very satisfying for cafeteria food.

We talked about nothing. Kyle was across from me and Colton, sitting next to each other. Colton was being goofy and rubbed ketchup on my nose. He's so immature. Kyle laughed at threw French fries at the losers sitting a table away from us. I frowned, "stop..." I said. It would hurt enough to be labeled as a loser. Why throw food at them. Kyle can be like that. I know he's just trying to impress some girls he thinks he can get.

He chuckled and continued to eat. We chatted about school and life and the usual. Just stuff.

This Monday was going great until the intercom came on in the cafeteria, calling me down to the guidance councellor's office. Kyle, Colton and I stopped fooling around as I got up to go to the office.

Everyone throughout the cafeteria stared at me, especially the football team's table.

I walked faster so I could get out of the embarrassment.

Once I got there the guidance councellor looked really concerned like I had broken into a bank.

I sat down across from her in her office sitting room. "A complaint about suicidal thoughts has been brought to my attention." She quickly explained.

My mouth slightly opened..."uhh," I started, but didn't know what else to say.

"Is this true?" She asked, determined to get an answer fast.

I shook my head, and she directed me towards the door. I left the room and walked fast back to my table at the cafeteria. Nobody noticed I had come back, luckily.

Kyle and Colton looked worried, and asked me what was wrong. I told them what had happened.

They knew why she called me down there. They're the only ones who know...

When I was in eight grade, I got bullied. It wasn't really that bad at first. People called me a loser, that was it. I then slit my wrists for attention. I needed it. Nobody knew me, except Kyle and Colton.

People actually cared, so it was working. The bullying got worse because some girl found out I was only doing it for attention. So it got worse, and I started cutting, for real. People called me and attention-seeker and a whore for some unknown reason. It was bad.

It all really ended in 9th grade (last year). People just forgot about it I guess. Which was good.

I don't know why someone just decided to tell the guidance councellor about me now though.

Next period I had chemistry, which Kyle was in also. We became lab partners that day. Then some kid named Caleb walked up to Kyle. "Hey, man! Wanna be lab partners?" He said excitedly. "Sorry, bro. I'm with Dani," he replied with a smile.

That repeated with 2 other guys. Kyle was so popular. It was nuts.

We started off that class by testing hydro gases and compression.

It was boring, but Kyle made it fun because he used the wrong materials on purpose. He was such a show-off sometimes, and never did what the teachers told us.

The next class I had was Biology with Colton. He made it better because he always made jokes and was so goofy! He's the fun one.

By the end of the day the guys and I were waiting outside for our busses to pick us up.

Kyle gave me a hug goodbye since he was on a different bus. Then all of a sudden about 5 blonde girls ran up to me and asked for Kyle's number and what kind of stuff he's into. I laughed and walked onto my bus with Colton, ignoring those blondes.

We sat together and shared headphones, he wanted me to listen to a new song he had downloaded.

Suddenly someone through a piece of crumpled up paper at the back of my head. I turned around. It was all the football players. "You and Colton should date!" One of them yelled.

Colton and I just looked each other in the eye...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2013 ⏰

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