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Nate's POV

"Nate wake up or meowth is going to eat your food" Matt said shaking me, violently for my choosing "I'm up,I'm up" I said as Matt walked out of my room. Professor Oak is coming today!.

I got down wearing a black T-shirt a red vest (Valor much) and jeans.

"Matt is prof. Oak here already?"

"I certainly am Mr.Sharp And your meowth here will need training it ate food from the table" professor Oak said pointing to an empty plate

"Meowth why did you eat my food!?!?!" of course the little meowth wouldn't answer me

"Nate you can't blame the poor cat you were the one who was up late" of course I couldn't blame the poor cat "of course I wouldn't. Now Prof. Oak how can we go out just yet we need pokeballs" I said "that is the main reason why I am here Mr. Sharp" He said as he handed me five pokeballs doing the same with Matt.

"Now I must be heading off Gary and Ash's wedding will start soon" he said as he headed to the door "where is it? we're going too" I said as I picked up my packed up bag heading out the door with Matt

"Cerulean city chapel hurry up we need to go there before twelve"

*Time skip after the main wedding*

Matt's POV

We were both at the reception and sitting next to each other drinking a little bit(a LOT) of wine with Nate "Well hello there you two" I looked behind me to see Ash in a wedding dress with Gary

"Ash why are you wearing that?" I asked curiously "lost a bet to Serena When Gary was supposed to propose she said Our next date I said our anniversary she was right and I needed to wear a dress" he said in one breath "oh jolly, any who hope you have a nice life after this d- Ah!"
I screamed as Nate passed out drink fallen to my lap

"Yeahhhhh we'll leave you to that we have to go" Gary said rushing to leave us while sticking out his tongue

"Damn it" I whisper under my breath as I tried to pick up Nate bridal style which worked surprisingly well since he is light.

*20 minutes of almost stumbling*

"Hey Silver!" I said as I nudged open his house door,I saw  Silver walked to the doorway to see who it is I'm guessing "What in the hell happened to Nate!?" He asked dropping the ladel he was holding and rushing to me.

"Well let's just say he suddenly fainted" I said wanting Nate's brother to not worry "Well I think he has a fever" he said "and also lay him down on the couch" he added

*After 20 minutes*

"Silver!" Someone called from the stairs I looked at the person rushing down. It was a guy that had gold eyes and gold hair he looked at me for a second then rushed to the kitchen.

I took my attention off the kitchen doorway and put my attention to Nate while staring at his beautiful sculpted face and those lucious pink lips that I could just ki-"Matt!"
God damn it! "What is it Silv?" I said as I stood up to walk to the kitchen doorway

"Matt you know I'm older than Nate right?" He asked "yeah, why?" I said leaning towards the doorway "Ok" he took a deep breath "Matt I-Im gay" "well that's great!" I smiled at him "How do you think Nate will react?" He asked worriedly "Oh don't worry Silv he's very nice and supportive towards homosexuality" I saw Silv sigh with relief

"Wait Silv who's the lucky guy that gets to date you?" I asked putting the biggest smile I could muster up he took a lot of time but I'm fine

"well you see...." He said holding up his hand to the front of my face I didn't get it at first then I noticed something glinting on his finger. I was a RING!! "Wait!?!?! You're engaged?!?!?" I yelped "yes now shush or you'll w-" he was cut off with the sound of a thump and groan "wake Nate up....." I looked back to check on Nate but I came face to face with him

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