TAB- Chapter 16

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*Alex's POV*

"You want them to go crazy, don't you?" I yelled into the phone.

"Alex, wait-" She started, but I had to keep going. "No, Emma, you wait!" I ran outside, carefully closing to door, not wanting to wake the boys. If they found out she left, without saying anything - besides the note, they would shit bricks. I want to save my sister.

"I'm your brother. You need to listen to me right now."

"Ok.." She sounded unsure and whispering. There was chattering in the background.

"Get home. Now, before these boys wake up and we're dead." I said calmly. This wasn't like my sister. She wouldn't just leave. Not even when I wanted to run away from the Adoption Home. Me and my sister are a bond, we're a package deal. That's why the boys got us both when they really only wanted Emma. Us being a bond, we know eachother. Like the back of our hands. And I know my sister wouldn't just go, it's definately something.. Something I was determined to find out.

15 minutes later she burst through the door panting. It was obvious she ran home, more like sprinted. Brown waved peeked out from behind her, panting also. "You're crazy. Obviously, you've got to be crazy and you've got to be kidding me." I wont lie, I was stunned. Her new friend was pretty. Nope, understatement. She was gorgeous. Long flowing brown locks. I couldn't decipher if her eye color was blue or green. Maybe a hint of grey. I don't know, but that didn't hide the fact that her being here could be proof that Emma had been out. How do you tell a pretty girl to get out of your house..?

"You just said-" Emma breathed, "Come home.."

"And I didn't recall telling you to bring tag-alongs from your wild adventures. How dp we explain a girl showed up at One-"

"One of the houses along this block because she might've been lost.." Emma interrupted me.

"What? No. One-"

"Please don't" She begged.

"She doesn't... Wow, ok." I paced back and forth. "Hide her."

"Come on." I grabbed Emma's hand and dragged her to my room while she grabbed her friends hand, creating a chain.

"GOOOOOOOOODDDDDD MOOOORNINGGGG SUNSHIIIINNNEEEEEE!" We heard Liam singing on his way to the shower. I pushed Emma and her friend behind the corner we just turned from and smiled bright for Liam to see.

"Back at ya." I called to him.

One he was in the bathroom with the door shut, I reached out to grab her hand. I rushed them up the four stairs that led to the part of the kitchen and into my bedroom.

"I need you in pj's and, not to be seen anywhere."

Her friend chuckled at my nervousness. "Pj's." She whispered to Emma. They both laughed before I shushed them.

"Come on, come on. You need not to be in boots and a huge coat. And you be in my closet for safe keeping" I grabbed her hands. I don't know if I felt a shock or if her hands were just freezing.

"I'll come back for you Jess" Emma hugged her before she headed to her room. Jess, huh? I put Jess in my closet and closed both of the sliding doors entirely shut. It was probably really dark in there, I felt a bit bad that I opened it up a bit for her. Her small hand slid out. "Jessica, new found friend of Emma." Austrailian accent. I shook her hand, "Alex, brother of Emma."

"Hey, Alex, Would you mind waking the lads? We have to go shopping for... Well it's a surprise." Liam peeked his dead through the door. I quickly pushed half of my body into my closet. "Uhh, yeah, I was just looking for my scarf. It's a bit cold in here you know..." I said nervously. Half of my body was placed in the closet very weird because we were still holding hands.

"Mate, maybe you wanna open the door. Here I'll help." He stepped inside the room fully. Jess stuffed a grey hoodie into my hands and pushed me out throught the small gap just before he reached the closet.

"This will do, thanks Lia-- lion, you wild lion.." Emma didn't want Jess to know we lived with One Direction for a reason, I decided I should help her. Although Liam the Lion wasn't making this all so easy for me.

"Uhh, alright. I'm gonna finished getting dressed. Wake up those fools please and thank you!" He yelled on his way out of my room.

"Please don't move, Jess." I said before dashing out of my room to wake the fools, like he said. I filled two glasses with cold water, because Harry and Lou sometimes sleep together. "Up.." I stood on their beds. My feet next to Louis' Left and Harry's right. "I said up!" I poured the water on both of their heads and made a run for it.

"Alex you're a dick." Louis said getting up and rollig over Harry to get him up all the way too.

"Language!" We heard Liam yell after opening his door for a split second. I stole one of Emma's waffles from her plate and headed for Niall's room. "you want the blueberry waffle, don't you Nialler?" I whispered so no one could hear me while waving the food above his nose so he could smell the sent.

"I'm up! Gimmie!" He screeamed before snatching it out of my hands and running for more. Zayn, he was the absolute hardest to wake in the mornings. You couldn't touch his hair, he'd kill you. He wasn't a walking stomach, no food could be involved. Shaking only worked with Liam. I crouched over his side of the bed. His back facing me. I began to wonder if I was the only boy who slept with a shirt on in this place. I shook my thoughts.

"Zayn, a new tattoo shop opened across the street!" I tried to scream-whisper to him.

"Seriously, Alex, across the street is grass and water. Leave me alone" He retorted sleepily.

"Hey, Liam sent me in here to wake you and it was either that or water in your hair." I threatened.

"You wouldn't dare." He moved the covers above his head.

"Picked up the vase of flowers on his nightstand, moving it in circles so he could hear the water inside. "Try me, pop star." He got up after that. I walked into my room, bowing and faking cheers for myself. "To the showers they all go, and only in a mater of-" I looked at my clock above my bed "Twenty three minutes!" I changed my tone. "Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex!" I changed again "Oh stop it you guys, it was nothing." I fell backwards onto my bed after my finalbow and my clset door creeked. My face turned a bright red and I couldn't hide my embareassment. She saws me talking to myself. Way to go, Alex.

*Emma's POV*

Our food didn't even come. She was probably starving, I know I was. Niall burth in a tried to devour my food and I had to pry his finngers from my fruit! I went up to Alex's room so we could eat.

"I was getting lonely in here and though you bailed on me." She confessed.

"Yeah? How do I explain I left my friend in my house by accedent.." We both laughed. After we ate, Alex comes in talking to himself like a sportsman or the guy that introduces people at the circus. Asking himself for encours and making a fool of himself. We giggled and clutched out stomachs to stop from making a sound. We wanted him to go on. Jess hunched over and slid the door open when she laughed and then he knew. Her face went red as his did.

Though they couldn't see each other, he stared at the door and she did the same, like they had been looking into each other's eyes with amusment. They couldn't see each other, but the connection was there.


                                                      This is a sucky update, i'm sorry..

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