Divergence: Prologue

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The rain pelted down heavily, seeping through the many gaps of the mesh material that had been hastily thrown together to form a rough, basic shelter. Built of nothing but thin timber, it could be found scattered across the little land remaining. The three people inside huddled together in an attempt to keep warm, but still they shivered violently. Their newly soaked clothes were dirty, ripped, torn and also baggy. Baggy because food was so scarce that all of them had lost an unhealthy amount of weight.

The man watching shook his head. No one should have to live like that. Sadly, these people were what was considered lucky now during these tough days; they were still alive.

Outside of their shelter, the wind howled, adding to the cold. Somewhere, far in the distance, they heard a noise. The noise of a living thing; but it was no human noise. It was more like the sound a large animal might make; a sound a large animal might make while hunting. The people shivered and huddled impossibly closer, though this time it had nothing to do with the cold. They knew what was going to happen next.

The man's expression became grim. He had a feeling these people would not be lucky for much longer. They had done very well, they had managed to survive and fight off many of the creatures, but now they were cold, hungry and exhausted; they wouldn't stand much of a chance, and they knew it.

Much louder this time, the noise came again and the people clung onto each other. The sound was followed by footsteps, splashing in the puddles caused by the rain. The noise of the creature rose louder as the creature moved closer, until they could hear its heavy breathing as well as its footsteps circling the shelter.

The man could nearly feel the intense fear that coated the peoples' faces. There was a flash of bright lightening and the inhuman silhouette of the creature was visible on the northern, material wall of the shelter. The creature growled in triumph and there was a ripping sound as he parted the thin wall with one of its giant claws.

Unable to bear losing more, the man looked away unable to watch. He knew what came next; he'd seen it happen many times to different groups of people. This group had been one of the groups to last the longest. He sighed. There was really only one way to end this. He pulled out an old piece of papyrus- that showed how old it was- papyrus was even older than paper and paper hadn't been used for millenia, since all the trees had died.

Even without unfolding it, he could feel the ancient magic it contained. He had read it many times; he'd never thought he'd have to use it, but now it seemed like the only way.

It read:

"We are not alone.

They lurk out there;

Watching and waiting...

Playing the game of rating and baiting.

Until cometh that darkest day,

When they succeed in child's play.

Growing, morphing, becoming strong

Losing the need to further prolong.

Their plan is barely, simply this:

Rip the world apart, bit by bit.

Killing all, then damaging more

Ending known life and welcoming fall.

But there is Hope to guide you through

Helping to find what's false and true.

Hope is needed to achieve

It keeps you thinking, 'I believe.'

A must-have would be surely Passion,

And never is it one to ration.

The motive and drive to keep us going

Will help you to dodge the want of slowing.

Courage is the third thing needed

To strive to have your goals exceeded.

The ability to be able and brave

Is something every being craves.

Essential is that of the wind:

Dear Destiny ensures your win.

Bewarned, for if you anger her

Faith you'll have not; and be deterred. 

The last demand is that of Love

As sweet and kind as a blind dove.

To bind together the four things:

Hope, Passion, Courage, Destiny.

Keep in mind, for those who see

Can surely never truly be.

Make them believe, show them the trail:

For with all five aspects, there can be no fail... "

At the bottom of the parchment there was a spell, a spell to call out Hope, Passion, Destiny, Courage and Love to personify in their truest forms. Only they could provide salvation. Talking a deep breath the man began to read the enchantments aloud, in a final attempt to save the people of his world from a seemingly inevitable fate. It was the only way...

Spes. Passionis. Fatis . In Taberna. Amoris. Salva nos.

Hope. Passion. Destiny. Courage. Love. Save us.

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