Chapter One: Secluded Log Cabins

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Chapter One: Secluded Log Cabins

    Taya watched, mesmerized, as the pepper she held over an open fire slowly was enveloped in flames. Somehow, the burnt smell reminded her of when she went to She quickly moved it off once all of the skin was a dark burned color. She ran it under cold water and peeled back the skin, until it was all off. Of course, out of all the times to knock on her door and distract her from her work would be then. She cursed, setting the pepper down on a paper towel and walked towards the door. The knock resounded once again, making her more agitated than before. She swung it open and glared at the young man who stood there with a smile on his face. He had dark black hair with fringe that covered part of his face. His striking blue eyes managed to offset the darkness in his hair.

"Hi, are you miss Taya Cox?" the young man inquired.

"Yes, and you are?" She inquired, sassily putting a hand on her hip while she leaned against the door.

"I am Daniel Rosepen. I'm here from Redfield College." he explained.

"I'm completing all of my courses." She exclaimed. Her hand quickly shot out to the door knob, the cold metal freezing her hand.

"Yes, but the teachers feel it should be required you show up for classes." he stated, placing his hand against the door. The sound of his hand hitting the hard wood, sent a shiver up Taya's spine.

"Listen, what I choose to do in my time is up to me." she mumbled.

"Then why didn't you just sign up for online classes?" he demanded.

"I don't know." she hissed.

"Well, you have to come to school tomorrow, or you'll be expelled." he explained and with that he backed away from the door. Taya closed it and twisted the lock. Her heart was beating violently inside of her chest. She was too close to touching him, too close. She quickly returned to the kitchen where her skinned fire-roasted pepper sat, which had already lost all of its heat. She pulled out a chopping board and chopped it up, her heart beat matching the sound of the knife sawing against the board. If all she had to do was attend school, she'd have to do it. She couldn't live her entire life cooped up in her log cabin. However, she couldn't risk what could follow either.


Thanks for reading the first chapter of "The Cost of The Future"! I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I hope to update it soon!

- Clockwork_Nephilim

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