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Year: 2072

Location: SPARK Industry

Sparks flew. Not in a good way.

I could hear frantic shouts as the scientists scuttled here and there, trying to stop the sparks of electricity that quickly developed into flames. That was too easy. Seeing as they had diverted their attention from me for now, I carefully yanked out the rest of the electrical cords that were connected to my arms, legs and brain. More sparks were generated in and out of the tank, and spread outwards like lightning. Hopefully this whole lab would burn down. 

In one fluid motion, the glass tank I was contained in shattered as it connected with my fist. Murky green liquid oozed out, coating the coal-black marble floors. Unfortunately that extinguished a portion of the flames. I stepped out of the tank, my bare feet making squelchy sounds as I waded through the puddles of green. The plain white shirt and shorts, which defined me as a test subject, clung onto my skin, showing no sign that they will dry anytime soon.  

Soldiers began filing in, carefully maneuvering their way around the lab, successfully trapping me into a wedge of the room. This did not scare me at all. While they were great in numbers, as the saying goes, quality before quantity. I could never lose to them. Instead of backing down, I stepped forward.

As they saw me approach, the looks on their faces suggests the emotion fear-which gave me a sense of satisfaction. The soldiers have armed themselves with rifles and shields, ready to fire at command.

On the other side, the fire has been extinguished already; which means all attention has been diverted back to me now. 

I took a step forward, and then another. The soldiers repelled backwards with every step I took. They are unlucky to have been forced into this. No human could actually be dumb enough to volunteer. Pitiful, as a human would say. When did  I start to refer to humans as 'they' and 'their' instead of 'we' and 'our'? Should I even consider myself as human now? I mean, I had the right biological construction appearance-wise, but that would probably be where the similarities ended. I was far beyond human capabilities, physically and mentally.  

I was only ten metres away from the soldiers now, and they were practically drowning in sweat. Honestly, you'd think they'd be provided with some 'SPARK fighting 101' class beforehand or something. Foolish.

"D-don't come any closer, SPARK, or we'll fire!" The male soldier tried to look intimidating, with no success. 

When I ignored him, he pulled the trigger, like I expected. In a flash, my hand closed over the bullet, as it soared in front of my face. My hand burned, and drops of warm blood dripped onto the marble floor. The soldiers were actually shocked that I was capable of this. Dropping the bullet, and blocking out the gasps of terror, I assessed the current situation. 

"Location: SPARK Industry. Opposition soldiers: thirty-six. Objective: Escape. Success Rate: ninety-five percent chance. Favourable." 

With each piece of information I calculated, I stalked closer to the exit. The exit that was blocked by the soldiers. More bullets came flying my way, of which some I caught, but many I didn't. My whole body stung as bullets embedded themselves in my flesh, but I would have deal with them later.

Making my way over to the rack of heavy assault weapons, I took some time to marvel at the collection of destructive weapons they had. Machine guns, hand guns, grenades, and so on- I would be lying if I said I didn't like destructive weapons. But the continuous waves of bullets that came flying my way snapped me out of it. That's right- I didn't have time to be admiring right now.

Without looking, I hurriedly drew a gun from the collection. My hand closed around a semi- automatic revolver. There was no way a tiny hand gun would compare to their assault rifles. I assaulted a box of bullets on a counter beside the weapons. Grabbing a handful, I ducked behind the counter and stuffed the bullets into the cylinder, while still focused on the soldiers. Pulling back the hammer, I jumped out from behind the counter and pulled the trigger. 

The bullet soared before it was obstructed by a bulletproof shield, tossing pathetically through the air until it hit the ground and was rendered completely useless. Guess I'll have to do this the hard way.

 If I wanted to get through their shields, I'd have to get to one of their rifles first. SPARK industry provides special bullets that are smaller in size, but evaporates power on impact. It could break through a bulletproof shield for sure. I threw the handgun away, and before the soldiers even realised, I had already attacked one. Before she could react, I put one hand on her neck and the other hand other her chin and pushed upwards in one swift motion. A defining rip sounded as the neck and head detached completely from the body. One down, thirty-five to go. The head rolled away, leaving a trail of crimson as it stopped between a soldier's feet. The firing has stopped at that moment, the soldiers not wanting to risk harming their own with me amongst them. Either that or they were just too shocked by my display of power.

Unfortunately for them, that moment of pause just cost them their victory. Not that they ever had a chance anyway. Ripping the dead soldier's rifle out of her hands, I did not hesitate, did not aim. 

"Obstacle: SPARK Industry soldiers. Solution: Massacre." 

I pulled the trigger, and one by one, they went down like dominoes. 

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