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     I get into the car but, I don't say anything. I really don't want to talk right now. I know I was happy to see him earlier but, now god not now. I mean I look awful and my mind is filled with thoughts of my parents. They loved each other so much but, couldn't be with each other because my father was married to someone else and now she's gone. All I want to do is cry, just cry about everything and let the tears fall down my face, but I can't I don't want him to see me this way we just met. 

   Then the silence ends and he starts asking questions. " Hey Kendall you okay" He asks looking at me directly. " I don't know a lot has been on mind lately" I reply. " What kind of stuff" Ethan asks.  " Just random things" I say.  "Oh so that's how it's going to be " he says. " What do you mean" I say. "You don't trust me to tell me anything but, you will soon enough. Anyways where are we going" Ethan asks. " I don't know, do you know any good food places around here" I ask. "Of course but, it's gonna be a surprise" Ethan replies and there was silence for the rest of the ride.


   When I arrive I notice that the place has an older look to it. " What is this place" I ask. "Well it's sort of old and running out of business but, I still come because I love the food and the people who work here know exactly what I'm going to order" he says. "Enough with the backstory what is this place called" I say. " Oh right, Sandy's" he says. " Interesting. Let's go inside" I say walking to the entrance. I open the door to hear a squeaking noise. This place must be really good I hope the food is as good as he says it is.  We find a booth and sit down across from each. I pick up a menu  to hide my face. I don't want to get too attached. I have to keep in mind what Melody said about him.

    A moment later the waitress comes. " What can I  get you to drink" she asks. "I'll have a coke" I say.  "I'm pretty sure you know what I want I come in here every week" Ethan says. " Okay so a coke and a chocolate milkshake with whipped cream and a cherry on top" she says as she walks away. " Wow they really do know you here" I say. "Yeah they do I use to come here all the time with my grandparents,until they died I guess it hurt too much but, now I've decided to come back in memory of them" he says looking a little hurt. " I'm so sorry for you I know exactly how it feels. I well actually... recently lost my mother" I say with a painful reminding. " I'm sorry I don't know how I could have been so stupid no wonder you didn't want to talk earlier" he says. He thinks he knows it all now but, he doesn't maybe he will find out soon. "No it's okay it's not something I like to tell the world" I say.  

  Just in time the waitress comes back with our drinks. "One coke and one chocolate milkshake with whipped cream and a cherry on top. Would you like to order now. If you would like more time that's okay too" she says. " Actually yes. Can I get a cheeseburger, plain with some fries" I say. "And you know what I want" Ethan says. " Alright two cheeseburgers but, one with everything and one with just cheese and then fries. Will that be all" she asks. " I'm pretty sure how about you Ethan" I ask. "I'm good" he replies. " Then your food will be out shortly " she says and walks away. "  Alright I think I'm gonna go to the bathroom" Ethan says and walks away as well.

  While  he's gone I check my phone to see if I had any messages from  Aunt Chloe or something but nothing. Then all of the sudden someone taps my shoulder. It was the waitress. "Is something wrong" I ask. " I don't have much time but, I had to let you know before you get too attached to Ethan. Well he comes here with a different girl at least every week. I don't know if that means anything to you but, I just wanted to let you know in case you really like him " she says and walks away quickly. 

Ethan comes back and I try to act normal but another person just told me about him only playing people's hearts. We keep talking about little things until the food comes but I can't seem to shake what she just told me. I'm falling for him I know it but, what if he breaks me then maybe I'll be broken forever. I finish eating and decide to go to the bathroom. "I'll be right back" I say as I get up and walk away. I open the door and go straight to the sink. I splash my face with water and just stare in the mirror. I keep thinking what am I getting myself into. Once I've dried my face off I walk back out and see him paying for the meal.

   "Paying already" I ask. "Yeah I thought I would take you somewhere else after this. Is that okay" he asks. "Yeah I say but, where to" I ask. " Another surprise" he says. " You just love surprises don't you" I say. "Who doesn't like surprises" Ethan asks. "Some people don't"  I say. "But you clearly do" he says. "Good point" I say. "Right then let's go to the next surprise" he says as he gets up from the booth. I follow him but, before I leave I look back at the waitress who is looking at me very concerned.

Hope you liked this chapter guys hoping to write more soon.

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