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Wednesday, August 12th | 4:56pm | The Ritz-Carlton Moscow

In order to keep them from getting tracked to one place - especially now that Viktor had an idea of the area they were staying in, Jukes had booked suites for everyone at yet another fancy hotel.

Kandy always thought the places that Jukes reserved for them were lavish and over the top, but she enjoyed being able to indulge in a bit of a rich experience considering most of the time, they were usually covered in literal blood, sweat, and more blood. And, for once, it felt normal to be a guest at a hotel instead of sneaking in through the roof or hidden entrances. Being able to enjoy the feel of a soft silk robe, or a night in the tub with a bubble bath and champagne, or sleeping in a bed bigger than a couch was more than enough for her.

"This huge room is just for me?" She asked Jukes as they entered a grandiose bedroom with damask wallpaper and a large king sized bed covered in silk sheets. The room that was bigger than her entire apartment back in Japan. Kandy though, was used to the minimal small spaces while Jukes had a thing for things in his face.

So to speak.

"Just for you," Jukes patted her shoulder. "Settle in, I'm going to check up on everyone else."

"Thanks Jukebox," She said.

He kissed her forehead. "Anything for you Kandy Shop."

She threw her bags to the side, spread her arms wide and fell back into the bed.

"Mmmm," She hummed in delight, her body sinking into the warm sheets. It was in these moments she wished she could turn to the side and lay into the arms of someone she loved, someone who could share this luxury with her.

She took her phone out of her pocket and texted a number she hadn't heard from in awhile.

Hastily, she received a text.

Unkwown: twiZZler.

She breathed a sigh of relief. Even if she could be with them at this moment in time, at least she knew they were safe and thinking of each other. At the moment, it brought her solace at a time where being on edge was starting to feel normal.

"Knock, knock."

Kandy raised her head to see Cam standing there at the doorway. "Come in."

"Damn, if I didn't think you were Juke's favorite before, the size of your room just justified that," Cam said, stepping inside.

"That, or he's afraid of me the most," Kandy giggled.

Cam chuckled along with her. "That is a fact."

"What's up Cammie?" Kandy propped herself up and patted the area next to her.

Cam settled into the spot and cleared his throat. "This is going to sound odd, but could I talk to you about...Fox?"

Kandy raised her brows. Cam and her were close, that was known. The four of them were siblings by choice, reaching out to each other for advice whenever needed. However with Cam, he never went to anyone first unless it was an emergency or he was absolutely desperate. Thus, Kandy knew this had to be weighing heavy on him otherwise he would have gone to Jukes or Wesley for some dude advice.

"I'm all ears," She answered genuinely.

Cam sighed and threw his body back against the bed. "I want to be honest with her, and tell her that she shouldn't give herself up for the sake of us. But I know that would be selfish of me because the only reason I even think that, is because I want her here with me. With us."

Kandy put a hand over Cam's. "Cammie, it sucks to say but it doesn't really matter what we want. At the end of the day, you know her. She's going to do whatever she wants to do."

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