I Love You Subaru

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"So, Subaru, you gonna tell us who your crush is?"

The room was dead silent as Ayato teased Subaru cheerfully, consequently causing Subaru to choke on his drink.

"Wh-what?!" Subaru spluttered, looking across the table at Ayato with a cold, hard glare that was thwarted with shock and confusion.

He glanced quickly across the table at Shu, who thankfully had his headphones on and was ignoring everyone as usual.

"Ayato-kun, I think you've had a bit too much to drink," Laito said, frowning at the glass clenched in Ayato's hand.

He wrenched it out of his grasp, in what seemed like an attempt to take it away from him, but instead he topped it up and handed it back to Ayato, grinning and giving his brother the thumbs up.

Don't get him wrong, he wanted to know what Ayato was on about.

Furthermore, he could tell that all of the other brothers were thinking the same thing, as for once there was complete silence around the table, with every single vampire watching Ayato intently.

"Well," Ayato continued cheerfully, pleased that he'd caught everyone's attention, "I caught Subaru in his room talking aloud about a crush he has on a certain someone~"

He winked at Yui, which went completely over her head, as she blinked and said, "What?"

Meanwhile, Subaru's head was in his hands, wishing that he could just sink through the table and the floor.

He knew that all but one of his brothers believed that his crush was on Yui.

All but one.

And that one....was staring at him intently from across the table, trying to suss him out.

Ayato continued, "I also overheard something about a confession that he was planning~"

Subaru froze, shell-shocked.

"You hear that, Yui?" He said, nudging the poor fragile blonde girl, who's cheeks started to turn pink.

Subaru finally remembered how to speak again, and he desperately tried to stop Ayato with things such as "It's not what you think!" and "It's not Yui that I have a crush on!"

"Ahh, so who is it then Subaru, if not Yui...?" Laito pressed on.

Subaru's heart nearly ripped out of his chest as he realised his mistake, and before he could stop it, his face turned a brilliant red colour, and he could hear snickers echoing around the table.

"Shut UP!!" he roared, colliding his clenched fist with the table.

The room was dead silent again.

Subaru couldn't bare to look up.

A chair scraping painfully against the floor cut through the silence, causing everyone to jump and Subaru to jolt his head up fearfully.

Shu had gotten to his feet.

"Thanks for the meal Reiji," he said quietly, to which Reiji nodded back at him curtly.

The rest of the table started to relax once more as Shu walked towards the door.

Subaru hadn't realised he'd been clenching his knife this whole time, until he saw Shu glance back at him from the doorway, giving him the tiniest of smiles, which caused it to clatter to the ground loudly. Without a second thought, he jumped up to his feet, and sprang across the room after him, yelling his thanks to Reiji on the way out of the room.

Running along corridors and up stairs, he finally came across Shu just in front of his room. He stopped, panting for breath, with an incredulous Shu staring down at him with half a grin.

"Sh-Shu...." Subaru started, once he'd caught his breath. He raised his head up to look Shu in the eye, but his words faltered after seeing the perfect smile etched across his face.

"It's not like that, Shu!" Subaru shouted, instantly regretting it.

Shu's smile faltered slightly.

"I....a crush....I don't have a crush....not on Yui anyways, I mean, I don't even like her, who even is she to me right, just prey, and you, I mean, well, you know, it's just you, and I-"

Shu stopped his spluttering with a dainty finger placed upon Subaru's soft lips.


Shu's bright smile left Subaru speechless, and he could all but watch Shu turn to open the door to his room. But just as he was about to enter, he tilted his head to gaze at Subaru, still holding the door handle.

He leaned in close to Subaru's face, feeling the warmth of it as it glowed steadily pink.

"I like you too Subaru~" he whispered softly, the scent of his breath lingering over Subaru's hot face.

And with that, Shu chuckled, pulling away from him and shutting the door in his face.

Roses are Red...or are they White? [Subaru x Shu]Where stories live. Discover now