Baby Momma Drama

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From Apryl's POV

After the blowout with her aunt and mother, Apryl couldn't stand being at home. It brought too many bad vibes. She didn't want it affecting the baby. She didn't want to stress too much and have it cause pregnancy complications. 

She also was spending less time at home. Apryl was hanging out with friends or just spending time being out just to get away from home. She even contemplated moving out, but where was she going to stay? At least she didn't have to pay any bills while she stayed at her grandmother's house. It would be hard for her to finance items for her newborn while also trying to pay bills. 

Apryl wished that Jeremih wasn't being immature. Times like this she wished everything was as perfect and normal as it was in the beginning. They were madly in love. He wasn't being in his fuckboy ways. There was no other girls in the picture. She wasn't pregnant. It was just them two. 

Apryl still loved her child. She just thought the timing was bad. It's not the right time to have a baby. She's not mature enough to take care of another life. She wanted to be living a carefree 19 year old life. 

Not a baby momma drama, fuckboy baby daddy, crazy 19 year old life. 

She couldn't blame everything entirely on Jeremih. She let him have sex with her unprotected. She knew she couldn't trust those "you know I got you"'s and those "I promise I will pull out". She knew better yet chose to do the opposite. 

On this particular day, she was going to the doctor to find out the sex of the baby. A small, almost unnoticeable bump sat on her stomach. Apryl loved her small stomach. She thought it was cute. However, it won't stay that way forever. Eventually it would get huge. 

Despite what her friends said, she still invited Jeremih to come to find out the sex. Last time they spoke or even saw each other, he basically let her know that he wanted no part of the child's life and threw $500 of abortion money at her. 

She was hurt. She was definitely pissed, but she wanted to give him an opportunity to be in his first child's life. Her child would hate her for life if he or she found out their mother didn't allow their father to be there. He didn't reply to her text message. At least she tried. 

Pulling into the office's parking lot, Apryl sat and thought. Wow, I will finally be able to know what my baby is. Regardless of what the sex is, I still love my baby and hope that it's healthy. 

Apryl exited the car and walked into the doctor office to sign in. The clerks made her sign her name on the clipboard and gave her an "expecting mother" sticker. She sat in the waiting room and picked up a magazine. Browsing through the magazine, she saw a bunch of cute clothes for babies and items. How was she going to afford a stroller and car seat anyways? Those were at least $200 a piece. 

Just then her mind began to wander. What would her baby look like? How would her baby shower plan out? Should she have a C- section or push it through the birth canal? Would she even breast feed? What would she name her baby? 

"Expecting mother Apryl Jenkins." A nurse from the back called out. Apryl rose up from her seat. 

"Hello." Apryl greeted. 

"Hello, sweetheart. How are you?" The nurse responded. She appeared to be a short woman of Hispanic descent. A big grin was plastered on her face. 

"I'm fine. And you?"

"I'm great. Now if you don't mind taking off your shoes so we can check your height and weight." The nurse said. Apryl took off her shoes and stood on the scale, waiting for a reading. 

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