First day of high school

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Aphmau's POV

Today was my first day at high school and I needed to get ready so I got in the shower so for those of you who do not know I am sixteen years old and I am starting freshman year so I hope it goes well so after the shower I got dressed then started to pack my backpack I put my thirteenth birthday present in my backpack with my other school supplies I made breakfast and lunch for me then I started to eat breakfast so if you are wondering I lost my dad at five and my mom at ten three years after her death a day before my birthday I was given a hammer I take it everywhere I go oh I almost forgot to put on my gloves I need them to hide my birthmarks I put on my special necklace I got the same day I got my hammer so I keep them with me all the time I put on my cloak and run to school I am in raven black and Adler purple even my backpack and my necklace is Adler purple and I have a mark on the back of my neck but I hid it with my long black hair I am shy oh and my hammer is raven black with Adler purple on it and today is the day I make friends other then Kaitlyn and Garroth and Vlyad and Zane -bumps into someone-

?????: (ok so how many question marks there are is how long the name is) watch it

Aphmau: .........................

?????: what can't talk

???????: Aaron leave her alone

Aphmau: -in mind- that voice is it it has to be Kaitlyn

Aaron?: Kaitlyn why do you care do you know her

Kaitlyn: yes I do same with Zane Garroth and Vlyad

Aaron?: fine -walks off-

Aphmau: thank you Kaitlyn

Kaitlyn: no problem Aph let's go the boys want to see you

Aphmau: ok let's go

Time skip to with the boys

Garroth,Zane,Vylad, and strangers: hey Kaitlyn sees you found her

Garroth,Zane,Vlyad: so good to see you again A (is what all the people who know Aphmau from childhood call her)

Aphmau: -runs and hugs them- so good to see you guys too -is said in a very quite tone-

Garroth,Zane,Vlyad,Kaitlyn: we are still sorry for what happened when you were ten and five -Aphmau starts to cry- it is ok we promise

The strangers were asking what happened and why she was so weird

Kaitlyn: do not call our friend weird oh wait A meet the group we are in that is Kawaii~Chan, Laurence, Kiki, Brendan, Lucinda, Cadenza (did I spell that right), Emmalyn, Kenmer, Aaron but you already meat him he was the person who was mean to you, Travis, and Galaxy (I put her in because I can not think of any other characters)

Aphmau: -waves-

-all of a sudden a group of kids come in to the school grounds-

"Who are they" I asked "oh those must be the other new kids" said Kaitlyn "oh" I said then a purple haired cat-girl came by and me having fast reflexes saw her and dogged "what are you doing" yelled Kaitlyn "Michi~ Chan wants the new girls backpack" said the purple haired cat girl but I said "ok" Kaitlyn knew what I was doing I set it on the floor and she could not lift it but I could and I put on my back and say "really it is as light as a feather" "no it is not" said  Michi so then I let all the people who wanted to try to lift it lift it but they could not but Kaitlyn knew that only I could same with Garroth and Zane and Vlyad so Aaron asked why they did not try then they said together "WE KNOW BETTER OUR WRISTS STILL HURT FROM HER PURSE" I just laugh "it did not hurt that much did it" I asked "IT DID" they all yelled "ok ok I am right her ya know i think I just lost hearing tho" I said "ok ok Mrs.A we understand" said my childhood friends then the other new kids come over and everyone but me said hi I just waved

Kala's POV

I felt a aura from the girl who did not talk that aura felt like Thor and Irene but I did not tell the few there so I said hi with the whole few and then I get a call on my watch the few and I walk away and talk to Thor and Irene they said they felt the presence of there long lost daughter and I said I did too the few nodded also they said to not tell her till she is ready she has her hammer and her necklace so keep her safe is what they said then hung up then we went to class

Aphmau's POV

We all went to class but only I knew that those kids were super kids but why only me hmmmm well my second period is magic but Lucinda got that last period so first was math class and I finished class in three seconds I am a wiz kid at math so I was able to leave class and go do whatever I chose to go do some gymnastics and I did it flawlessly then the gymnastics teacher came in and asked why I was there instead of in class I said I was able to leave early because in the first three seconds I finished class the teacher was shocked but then the bell rung and Aphmau had to get magic class so she ran SUPER fast and made it in time for class and the teacher said we were showing off our magic she went in the alphabet so I was first I did a water ice Irene sculpture then the rest of the class then it came to Jin he did what I did but lava and fire and then the others in the class went then the bell rang and I ran to gym class we played basketball and  was in a team of girls the last two still with breath were me and that Jin kid and I ran at super fast speed and made a basket and that was the end of the round then the bell rung and the gymnastics teacher asked if she could talk to me I said sure she asked me to join the gymnastics team and I said sure and she gave me my gymnastics schedule then I meat up with the group at lunch and told them they said look out for the cheerleaders they are pure evil I said I will be fine I will have my hammer with me and with that we were off to next class I had gymnastics as next class same with the other girls and the boys but I got done getting ready first so I went to warm up and practice and they were still getting ready so I said hurry up I did there hair first then they started to get ready now I am doing my warm up and the girls and the boys stop at the doorway to watch then I start my practice and I landed on my feet every time but when the cheerleaders came in I tripped and did a triple flip and landed on me finger then jumped to my feet the girls and boys clapped then the teacher came in and said hello students and new member of the gymnastics team you will meet the squad soon ok I said ok then she said it was time for warm ups so I started my warm up and everyone just stared in awe and when I finished the cheerleaders tripped me again but this time I did four flips and landed right on my feet everyone was in awe again and then the bell rang the cheerleaders had detention and I went home gymnastics was my last class then when I got home I heard a lot of voices and then they knocked on the door I ran to my room and went into my secret room and this then I find out that it was Garroth and Zane and Vlyad and Kaitlyn just checking up on me so I went out the trapdoor to the roof and when they left my house I jumped down saying hello

Ok so that is all for today and please comment I want to have those comments please bye 😇 Gracie out ISH 😇

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