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my next class is music class i am kinda nervous what if i have to perform first because i am new no one has heard me sing since my mom and dad died i am really scared well at least no one i know is in this class so i will take a seat in the back of the class near the window

Teacher: ok class so today we have a new kid so i am as most of you know i am Mrs.Animal new kid please stand and say your name and something about your self

great just great oh well i have to do what the teacher says -stands up-

Aphmau:-says in the quietest tone possible- my name is A i have many secrets and yea

Teacher:good job Mrs.A do you mind singing a song for us please

Aphmau: -same tone- no not at all

everyone clapped i just sat back down then the bell rang then i noticed that some kids did not clap oh well probably  the mean kids who think they are better then other kids i walk into the lunch room since i have that for third period and i see a stage i walk back stage before people enter the lunch room then Kaitlyn and Garroth and Vylad and Zane all came on stage my stage name is J Kaitlyn's is F Garroth's is R Vylad's is M and Zane's is E we got into our costumes and walk behind the curtain we were going to sing hall of fame that i wrote (in this book) but we agreed that Vylad will sing it and we will play instruments witch i know how to play all the instruments well it is show time i scream in the mic when the curtain opens "WHO'S READY TO HEAR THE DIVINE SINGER'S" the whole lunch room started to scream and clap then they settled down and i gave the mic to M/Vylad and i went to my instrument

everyone clapped after the song and Zane joined in the singing a little bit but we did great i am so pasting this on J's YouTube channel hehe

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