Working at Arkham

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       Today was my first day working at Arkham. I was very exited to see the different people. When I first arrived I had to show the guards my badge. When they opened the door I was very confused, I didn't know where to go. I was just walking around until I saw someone who worked there, his name was....uuuh...Dr.John. I asked for directions to my office and he lead me to it. I kindly thanked him for leading me there. My pleasure is what he said leaving my office. I started to settle in, until my boss Dr.drew came in. He told me he was happy that I was working here. He then said that he was very sorry that I was already assigned to patients. I told him it was fine. He then excused himself from the office. I looked through the files and saw I had Harley Quinn first in 10 minutes. I heard a lot of rumors on her but never really payed any attention. While reading her file I saw that she was a psychiatrist here but was lead in the wrong direction by the joker. It said that she was obsessed with him and she never accepted the fact that he never loved her. Some part of me was wanting to treat  joker but the other half was to terrified. It was then time for me to go.
       When I got in her cell she sounded very happy. She greeted me with a big smile. I then said" hello Harley my name is "Dr.Dahlia."I then asked her if I could ask her a few questions about the joker. She then yelled "my puddin!!" Her voice was high. I then asked her if the joker loved her and she said "Of course he does he is my puddin!. " I then told her if she knew that the joker actually had no feelings for her. Her smile became into a huge frown. A tear was under her eye and she yelled at me to leave! I left without a word. She really was crazy and she wasn't aware of anything. I almost felt bad for her.
         I just left that alone. I then returned to my office and saw I had made no progress what so ever with her. I then saw that I had someone named two face in about 30 minutes. I read through his files and it had said that he was burned by the joker. It seemed like the joker had a lot of effect on a lot of people. Many were not sure why two face was mad. It then reached to the point where I had to go to two face. I was kinda nervous by the time I got there I saw his cell was heavily guarded. That made me even more nervous. 
        When I sat down I told him what I had told Harley. I told him my name and that I was gonna ask him a few questions first. He agreed to it, he seemed more mature than Harley. I asked him why he was mad at the joker. I think I was there when he wasn't in a bad mood because he actually told me. He said that the joker had killed his wife and then poured gasoline on half of his face. He said that he then caused an explosion causing him to have lost half his face.
        I felt bad I then wondered on why he didn't get any surgery to get that healed, I mean he could afford it!!?,but by then it was time for me to go. As I left I told him I would see him soon. He didn't answer me at all. Afterwards, I just was relived that I had only one patient left. Her name was poison ivy but her real name was Pamela Isley. I had her in an hour. I decided to eat because my belly was growling like crazy.  I sat in the cafeteria and then a bunch of people busted through the door with an old patient who had escaped.

Who could it be?? You probably already know though!!.. Haha oh also this was my very first time writing a book so please leave comments on what I have to work on!!!:)

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