When we meet

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Jessy: The first day of high school and I'm a nervous wreck. Btw I'm Jessy I just moved to Miami all the way from California. My mom got a new job so we had to move, it wa rough at first but I think I can fit in just Fine. I hope.

Mom: Jessy hurry up or your going to be late on your first day.

Jessy: its only 7:30 mom. School doesn't start until nine.

Mom: Fine, I'm off to work. Love you

Jessy: Love you too.


Time to pick out my First day outfit.

Jessy: * Talks to herself* Should I wear my tan pants with Uggs or Black pants with Uggs.

Nick: Maybe you should wear nothing haha.

Jessy: Get out my room. your so annoying.Btw that's my older brother Nick he is two years older than me. He is annoying and a Great father to a beautiful baby girl named Brooke.

Nick: Love you sis haha.

Jessy: No you don't.


Jessy:* Singing to her Radio* As I pull up to the schools parking lot I see a crowd of people and Hear a Bunch a music. As I'm looking for a parking space I see a Marching Band playing the music I hear. Finally I find a parking space and park. As I'm walking to the front entrance I drop my book bag from staring at my phone and Someone picks it up and hands it to me.

Anonymous: You dropped your bag miss.

Jessy: Thanks you. *Walks away.

Jessy: *Talks to herself* *Room 304 305 found it*. As I walk in the room there is only one person here.

Jessy: Is this Room 306.

Jazzlayah: Yes this is. Hi I'm Jazzlayah but you can Jazz or Layah or Jazzlayah which ever your comfortable with.

Jessy: Hey I'm Jessy.

Jazz: Your outfit is so cute, it must of took forever to pick it out

Jessy: Yess thirty-five minuets to be exact.

Jazz: Lol. I just found my new best friend.

Jessy: Lol. As the class fills up. Class begins.


As I'm walking to lunch my binder drops out of my hand and someone gives it to me.

Anonymous: We have to stop meeting like this.

Jessy: Yeah we really do *Starts to walk away

Anonymous: Hey no thank you.

Jessy: I'm sorry I'm kind of in a rush, But thank you again.

Anonymous: Would you like to sit with me and my friends at Lunch.

Jessy: I really have to get going My next class is on the other side of school.

Anonymous: Come on it would be fun...Ill walk you to your next class.

Jessy: Okay...But just a few minuets.

Anonymous: Fine a few minuets.. My name is Jalen

Jalen: So what's your name or should I call you book dropper.

Jessy: Haha very funny, my name is Jessy

Jessy: Nice name Jalen

Jalen: You too Jessy.


Layah: So I meet this girl in Math...I Think her name is Jasmine or something like that.

Raymond: Is she cute?

Layah: Yes she is pretty

Maccey: But not prettier than me

Layah: She may be.

Jalen: Hey guys.. This is Jessy

Jazz: Jessy that was her name

Jessy: Hey

Layah: Everyone this is Jessy my new Best Friend.

Jalen: Jazz I just introduced her.

Layah: But she's my bestfriend.

Dennis: Whatever.

Raymond: Where are your from Jessy

Jessy: I'm from Califronia.

Raymond: Damn

Jessy: Yeah well I have to get to class ill catch you guys later.

Dennis: I'm going to walk her to class bye guys

Raymond: Bye

Jazz: Later

Maccey: Bye


Jalen: So have do you like Mist Wood so far.

Jessy: Its good so far.

Jalen: That's good.

Jessy: *Phone buzzes* Laughs

Jalen: Whats so funny

Jessy: Oh nothing its just my brother.

Jalen: Can I put my number in your phone just in case you need something.

Jessy: Sure.

Jalen: you have a good rest of the day Ill see you tomorrow maybe sooner if you drop more books.

Jessy: Haha Very funny But I wont be dropping anymore books today I can assure you that.

Jalen: Excuse me miss Your forgetting something.

Jessy: And what am I forgetting.

Jalen: Your hug

Jessy: *Hugs Dennis Bye



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