"His Name Is Hibiki.."

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"I got it, Mom....Yes...I can take care of myself...Okay...Cya...Love you too", I hang up the call. I got ready for my very first day of school. After that I went down stairs to get some breakfast.

"Lady Kanzaki, Your limo is ready", One of my best maids, Ren, told me. I nod, after I finish my breakfast I went outside and head to school in my limo.

My name is Kanzaki Holmes, I am a 1st year at Sakura no High School. I am 16 and has been living in a mansion with my maids since I was 3. My parents own a company in the US, so I live alone.

I wasn't like any of those flirty, Hyper, Cheerful, or Happy-Go-Lucky type of girl. I am quiet, and hates almost everything. I always keep a straight face, and always speak monotone, and I haven't smile in a long time. There was one thing I hate about myself... I am really short. Other adults will think I am 10 or so, I get really pissed off. I can't reach things that are up high, and they would laugh at me. And when I talk to other people I always had to... Look Up.
"Why don't you introduce yourself", My homeroom teacher, Mrs. Yui, insisted.

"My name is Kanzaki Holmes, A pleasure to me-"

"Sorry, I am late!!", I was cut off when the door slam open. Everyone turn their attention to the red head, that was panting running putts breath.

"Hibiki! You're late again! I'll let it slid for today, but be careful next time!", Mrs.Yui scold Hibiki, and the class giggle and snickered.

"Look at the different in their height!", I heard one of the students say.

"Haha! She is so short", and another said. I looked at Hibiki as he walk tours me, when he came close I saw that his eye color were different, one side was rose red while the other was shiny gold.

He stood tall in front of me, I was only near his chest level, I Looked Up.

"Yo! My name's is Hibiki, nice to meet you!", he let out his hand, but I ignored it and went to an empty seat at the back near the window. Students gasp at my action, but I could careless.

"Okay, Hibiki go back to your seat so we can start lesson!!", The teacher said, and Hibiki came over and seat in the empty sit next to me. He looked at me and gave me a sweet smile, but I didn't care less, I turn my attention to the lesson, not returning the smile.

"Gumi! Please read pages 56-61", Mrs.Yui command and Gumi did. While she was reading I looked out the window, spacing out.

Lunch Break
Student chat with their friends and were heading out by the garden. While I went to the back of the school, where it was nice and quiet.

"KANZAKI!!!", I heard someone say my name, I turn around and saw Hibiki waving his hand up in the air, running tours me. It was nice while it lasted.

"I was looking for you, let's eat together!", he said.

"No..", I said in monotone.

"Ehh?!? Why?? I wanna be your friend!", he whine.

"Friends are nothing but troublesome, I don't need piece of carp like 'Friends', they're useless", I told him and left to eat somewhere else. Friends... Tsk! Bullshit!

After finishing my bento, I heard the bell rang so I head back in. On my way I could here students giggling and gossiping about me.

"It's that short girl", I heard someone say.

"Hehehe! I bet her family are all shorty", another joke.

"She probably can't even reach for her cereal in the morning", they were making fun of me, I tried my best to ignore them.

"Stop making fun of her!!!", a voice called out, we turn our gaze at Hibiki.

"Kanzaki, let's walk to class together", Hibiki said and I nod, since it's better than being made fun of. We head to class, as the bell rang the teach came in.

We learn about Japanses history, it was kinda interesting. But the school end as the last bell rang. Students pack their things and head out.

I stayed behind since I was called at the office, it was just welcoming me to the school. Nothing important. I walked out and saw Hibiki standing with his hand behind his head,"Kanzaki!!".

"What do you want?", I said without any expression.

"Ehh?!? I waited for you and I don't get a Thank you??", he pouted.

"Tsk! Hibiki... Thanks for waiting for me, Happy?"

"Yea!", He smile,"Let's walk home together!"

"Why?", I ask.

"Because we are friends, right?".

"Hey! I never said you were my friend!", I yell.

"Oh! Come on, Don't be like that! I wanna get to know you", he said.

"Geez! You're so annoying!". Hibiki chuckle, he came closer to me.. Closer... Closer. He lean in and out forehead touched, for the first time in a long time... I blushed.

"Hehe... You're really short... It's kinda cute", then he back away, and started walking. I stood their speechless.

"You coming?!?", Hibiki yelled. I snap back to reality.

"Huh?? O-Oh.. Uhh.. Yea!", I ran to catch up with him.

Today was my first day of school as Sakura no High School, and I think I just made a friend and..
His name is Hibiki...

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