chapter 2: sam chokes on his undying affection for me

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"Fancy," I murmured, smoothing down my stupid red dress in the mirror. It was velvet, and I probably paid way too much money for it, but it clung to me in all the right places, and it wasn't short to the point where the parents of my patients would fire me on the spot. It was hot, but appropriate for a first date.

Date. I didn't want to label Sam and I's meeting as the D word, but honestly, what else was I suppose to call it? A casual get-together? No. We would probably end up having sex or making out intensely inside his car. That wasn't causal. A reunion? That made Sam sound like my great grandmother or something, and I couldn't think about my great grandma if I planned on even touching Sam.

So, that left me to label our meeting with the D word. It was a date.

You're his hot date, I thought with a smug grin. It was one of those days where my self-confidence was through the roof, and I was grateful. If I felt ugly, I'd end up ordering a salad and eating three bites of it. When I felt pretty on a date, I would most likely order the prime ribs and then eat them with my bare hands. Prettiness gave me wiggle room to look disgusting, and I was totally okay with that. It was helpful.

Sam was suppose to get me from Hadley's place, and she was suppose to be helping me get ready for my date, but her boyfriend was over, and her attention was focused solely on him from the second he stepped through the door. It was okay, though. I didn't need Hadley to do my makeup for me. All she had to do was give me some kind of pep talk, which she tended to be relatively good at.

"Hadley!" I called from the bathroom. "Stop sucking face with Logan and come here!"

"We are not sucking face!" She cried from the living room. I heard her converse pounding against the hardwood floor as she came towards the bathroom. "We weren't!" She insisted, poking her head into the bathroom. For some reason, I decided to believe her.

"Right," I replied, giving her a hard time. "Do I look like some kind of sex goddess? Am I too hot for a first date? Look at my boobs. Are my boobs okay?"

"You're so gay for yourself," Hadley snorted. "You're a sexy beast. Sam is a sexy beast, if I remember what he looks like correctly. You're both sexy beasts. Go get dinner."

Hadley gave killer pep talks. I was always inspired by her words, even if they seemed vulgar or whatever. They were darn helpful.

"I'm not that gay," I retorted. "I mean, if Sam had a vagina down there, I'd still be down. But I don't think he does."

"Yeah, you would know," Hadley teased. She slapped my arm in a friendly manner. "Go get 'em, tigress."

"I would not," I retorted. It was a lie, but I was saved from Hadley's usually relentless teasing by the ring of the doorbell. "He's here!" I took one last look in the mirror, slipped on a pair of heels, and turned to Hadley. "Am I good? Do I need more lipgloss?"

"You're good," she replied. "You better call me afterwards! I will have to kill you if you don't tell me how amazing the date was. I will. And then Logan will have to bail me out of jail, because you'd be too dead to do it for him. So go."

I gave her an appreciative smile before rushing towards the door. Logan waved at me from his place in the kitchen, and I shot him a smile as I snatched my purse and slipped out the door.

"Sam!" I said, smiling and looking up at him. My heels made the distance a little less dramatic. I can't imagine how freakishly tall Sam would be if he were to wear heels. I mean, he was a freaking sasquatch without them. His head would brush the ceiling if he wore any of my heels.

"Amelia!" he replied, mimicking my relatively cringe-worthy opening line. He grinned from ear to ear, looking pretty cute in his black slacks and lavender polo shirt. Lavender. Do people actually wear that color? Apparently Sam does, and I was loving it. I forgot how cute he was when he was all dressed up.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2016 ⏰

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