chapter 2: Mr. Pissy Pants

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I look up at my Savior, and I swear there is an angel standing in front of me. He has hair that looks like he just got out of bed, but it looks good on him, a black wife beater tank top, a leather jacket, and a pair of fitted blue jeans. His face is even better! He has tan skin, big pink lips, and the most captivating pair of eyes. His eyes are a beautiful hazel color with flecks of gold in them. I shake my head to clear my thoughts.

"Such a normal day, I have a beautiful girl in my arms." He says with a smirk. I'm 100% sure that was supposed to make me blush, but threw the years I have learned to keep my face emotionless when around males.

"Wow such a normal day, a player trying to get in my pants" I say in a mocking tone. This makes his smirk turn into a scowl in a matter of seconds.

He's clenching his jaw, but his next words surprise me a lot. "I am not a player! Don't call me that! You know nothing about me!" He basically yells in my face. He then let's me go and stalks off into the principle's office, no doubt to get in trouble.

I make a mental note to steer clear of Mr. Pissy pants. I head to my locker and open it within seconds, because I'm just that talented! Haha! I wish! It takes me a few minutes to get it open.
Once I do get it open, I throw my bag into it and head to my first class which is English literature.

Luckily the class is in front of my locker, so I head in and take a seat in the back. As the class slowly fills with students, and everybody takes a seat, the teacher decides to come in and introduces herself. In the middle of her introduction, the door opens and guess who cones in! Mr. Pissy pants himself! Yay! (Note the sarcasm) there is only on seat left, and it's right beside me in the corner. Fuck my life! Ugh!!! Really he has to sit by me!?

He notices this too, and groans aloud. He slowly walks over and plops down in the chair. As soon as he is seated, the teacher resumes her introduction. Ms. Jamison is half way through the lesson I feel something hit my head. I ignore it and zone back into the lesson. When another thing hits me I look over at Pissy and he looks down at the floor as if signaling me to look down also

I take a chance and look down and see a crumpled piece of paper. I pick it up and silently open it under the desk. It says: hey, what is your problem with me? You don't even know me and you are already judging me! Haven't you heard the saying never judge a book by its cover? This makes me giggle for the first time in a long time.

I peak over at Pissy and see that he is staring at me. I turn the paper over and write: I don't have a problem with you, I know that I was being judgy, but I couldn't help it. I can't stand guys like you, and yes I have heard of that saying, I think it's very wise also. I jot down and toss it at his head. But since he was staring at me, he quickly catches the paper before it hits him...showoff! I stick my tongue out at him. He tries to cover his mouth as he let's out a loud chuckle. A few people turn and look at him before going back to their work.

Once he reads the note, his face darkens and he scribbles away, writing furiously. I turn toward the teacher and try to understand what she's saying, but soon give up and start doodling in my notebook. I look over at Pissy to see that he is still writing, which amazes me. He soon crumples up the paper and tosses it on my desk. I open it up and read: SERIOUSLY?? YOU'RE STILL JUDGING ME?? If you seriously think that I am a player, then go on a date with me! If you agree and have a good time then you can't keep judging me, but if you don't have a good time, then I will not bother you anymore. But you have to go on a date with me, no excuses.

Ugh! Whatever... I have to go, so whatever! I turn towards him, and mouth fine. He smirks at me, then the bell rings signaling that class is over. I gather my stuff and start to walk away when I'm pulled back by Pissy.

"By the way, my names Aiden James" Pissy says.

How are you guys? I hope you are good! Here's chapter 2

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