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  It must just have been because I saw Senpai earlier! Ayano convinced herself and stayed serene for a while. The boy was still spontaneously grabbing on to her hand. Feeling the warmth in his hands, Ayano didn't know why she is making such a fluster over it.

"Why are you so nice to me?" She couldn't stop being curious and questioned, trying to quietly loose her hand from Budo's grip. Ayano could have done what she wanted with a heavy swing of her arm, but she didn't, and she didn't know why. The shape and temperature of his hand was giving her such comfort that she didn't want to let go.

"I just thought I was too mean to you from the start...I mean never less of your personality, you are still a girl..." Budo answered while looking forward."I guess I am just trying to repay you...I am sorry."

Ayano could murder him right now, this was the perfect spot after school where no one else would have come to. But she didn't, she knew that she would have to do it for Budo always got in her way of achieving Senpai. She couldn't even move a muscle in her hand.

".....Are you only doing this because I am a girl?" Ayano questioned, and she hoped that the answer was yes. If it wasn't, she wouldn't ever be able to tell what Budo is thinking and she would continue having this strange feeling pounding in her chest.

"Well...."Budo's voice trailed off, it seemed like he was very embarrassed to say something."No...."He admitted."I also...admire your determination...."Budo keeps facing forward as if to hide his expression, his ears were blushing red. But he suddenly looks up to the clear sky sorrowfully and said softly to himself under his breath:

"Ha...Who am I kidding, she would kill for Taro...I stand no chance..."

Ayano flinched.

"Oh? Are okay? Oh it's probably your house here already, sorry I wasn't paying attention....Well goodnight..."Budo added, then he was gone in the distance.

  "O-Oh,yeah..Goodnight Budo." She said as she watched him walk off. She whipped out her keys and entered her home. Taking off her shoes,she walked to her bedroom and threw her bag. She dumped herself onto her bed and thought for moment.

'Do I...like Budo? Nono,I have Senpai!' Ayano thought to herself. She immediately pushed herself back up and walked to her bathroom. She needed some relaxation time.

Turning on the water,she filled the bath tub with the clear liquid. She took off her clothes and turned off the pipe,dipping herself in the warm water. She sighed.

"I'll just sleep it off~" She said as she went deeper into the water.

After about 1 hour of staying in the tub,she got out. Wrapping the towel around her body,she walked to her bedroom. She quickly got out her pajamma's and changed into them.

She walked over to her bed and tucked herself in. Soon she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

The Next Morning


"Ugh.." Ayano said as she got up. She turned off her alarm.

After having a small staring contest with the floor,she got up and put on her uniform. Grabbing her bag,she opened the door and headed to her front door.

'Maybe I'll get to walk home with him today..' Ayano smiled as she thought about Budo. She soon realized what she was thinking and blushed at the thought. She shook her head and ran out the door.

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